This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 254(2): Appellate Tribunal-Rectification of mistake apparent from the record-Subsequent Supreme Court decision-Contribution to ESI and PF-Paid before due date of filing of return-Miscellaneous application filed by the Revenue is dismissed. [ S. 36(1)(va),139(1), 143(1)]

Dy.CIT v. Suman Solanki (2023) 225 TTJ 377/229 DTR 265 /(2024) 208 ITD 203 / 110 ITR 516 (Jaipur)(Trib)

S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal-Appeals-Delay of 3966 days-Condoned-Cost of Rs 20000 is imposed on Revenue to be paid to Prime Minister National Relief fund-Bad debt-Reassessment-On merit the matter remanded to the file of the CIT(A) to decide a fresh in accordance with law. [ S.36(1)(vii), 143(3), 147, 148, 154, 253(5), 254(1)]

Dy.CIT v. Chhattishgarh State Electricity Board (2023) 226 TTJ 861 (Raipur)(Trib)

S. 251 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Powers-Direction to initiate penalty proceedings-No proceedings were pending before CIT(A)-Direction to initiate penalty proceedings after culmination of appellate proceedings are without jurisdiction.[ S. 154, 250, 270A]

Bhuramal Rajmal Surana & Sons (P) Ltd v. ACIT(2023) 225 TTJ 122 (SMC)(Jaipur)(Trib)

S. 251 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Powers-Directions-Reassessment-Limitation-Reassessment on the basis of observation of CIT(A) is not justified-Reassessment is quashed as time barred.[ S. 147, 148, 149(1)(b), 150]

CITI Plaza v. ITO (2023) 226 TTJ 30 (UO) (Amritsar)(Trib)

S. 249 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Form of appeal and limitation-Pendency of rectification application under section 154-Delay of six years-Not condoned-Direction of CIT(A) to dispose the rectification application within six months is affirmed.[ S.154, 254(1)]

Siby Mining & Infracture (P) Ltd v ITO(2023) 225 TTJ 1 (UO) (Hyd) (Trib)

S. 249 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Form of appeal and limitation-Delay of 3177 days-No reasonable cause-Dismissal of the appeal is held to be valid.[ S.246A, 254(1)]

Nikita Kingrani v. Dy. CIT(2023) 226 TTJ 84 (UO) (Raipur)(Trib)

S. 249 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Form of appeal and limitation-Delay reasonable cause-Delay of 162 days-Affidavit is filed-Delay is condoned and the matter is remanded to the file of CIT(A) to decide on merits.[ S.249(3), 254(1)]

Vishnu Pareek v. CIT(2023) 226 TTJ 73 (UO)(SMC) (Jaipur)(Trib)

S. 246A : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Appealable orders-Defective return-Treating the return as invalid-Not appealable-Appeal is not maintainable. [S. 44AB, 139(9), 246A(1)(a)]

Amrut Rajendra Bora v. Dy.CIT(2023) 225 TTJ 453 (Pune)(Trib)

S. 244A : Refunds-Interest on refunds-Rectification order-Department should calculate the interest component while passing the order under section 154 of the Act. [ S. 154, 244(IA)]

Seva Vikas Co-Operative Bank Ltd. v Add. CIT (2023) 157 562 / 226 TTJ 134 (Pune)(Trib.)

S. 201 : Deduction at source-Failure to deduct or pay-Failure to deduct tax at source-Interest-Form No 15G, Form No 15H-Not verified by the Assessing Officer-Matter remanded for to the Assessing Officer for fresh adjudication. [ S.194A, 201(1), Form No 15G, Form No 15H]

Hooghly District Central Co-Operative Bank Ltd. v. CIT(2023) 224 TTJ 869 (Kol)(Trib)