S. 69A : Unexplained money-Senior Citizen-Deposit of cash during demonetisation period-Withdrawal from bank-Addition was deleted. [S.115BBE]
Om Prakash Nahar v. ITO (2022)100 ITR 345 /(2023] 198 ITD 312 (Delhi)(Trib)S. 69A : Unexplained money-Senior Citizen-Deposit of cash during demonetisation period-Withdrawal from bank-Addition was deleted. [S.115BBE]
Om Prakash Nahar v. ITO (2022)100 ITR 345 /(2023] 198 ITD 312 (Delhi)(Trib)S. 69A : Unexplained money-Search and Seizure-Shortage of physical stock-Only profit element embedded in sale transaction can be brought to tax. [S. 132]
Dy. CIT v. Mahendra Brothers Exports Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 99 ITR 537 (Mum)(Trib)S. 69A : Unexplained money-Cash deposited in the bank-Explanation was not satisfactory-Addition was justified-Income from undisclosed source-Stock valuation-Suppression of stock-Addition was deleted. [S. 69, 145]
Kuldeep Kumar v. ITO (2022) 213 DTR 201/217 TTJ 632(Asr)(Trib)S. 69A : Unexplained money-Cash deposited in Bank account-Withdrawal from bank-Proper explanation was furnished-Addition was deleted.
Krishna Agarwal (Smt) v. ITO (2022) 215 TTJ 245 / 213 DTR 74 (Jaipur)(Trib)S. 69A : Unexplained money-Cash deposit in bank-Demonetisation period-Sale of flat-Addition was deleted.
Karishma Sharma (Ms.) v. ITO(IT) (2022) 98 ITR 65 (SN)(Bang) (Trib)S. 69 : Unexplained investments-Survey-Undervaluation of stocks-Reconciliation statement filed-Addition is not justified. [S. 133A]
Dy. CIT v. Plasto Electronics Pvt. Ltd. (2022)95 ITR 93 / 218 TTJ 1 (SN)(Kol) (Trib)S. 69 : Unexplained investments-Difference between books of account and Valuation Report-Addition was deleted. [S. 142A]
VRL Logistics Ltd. v. ACIT (2022)95 ITR 221 (Bang)(Trib)S. 69 : Unexplained investments-Amount received from director-Officer should have verified the return of the director-Source of funds are explained-Addition was deleted. [S. 147, 148]
Astral Properties and Constructions Pvt. Ltd v. ITO (2022)97 ITR 210 (SMC) (Delhi) (Trib)S. 69 : Unexplained investment-Stock figures and cash position different in statement furnished to the bank and in book of accounts-Statement given to third party not admissible as evidence-CIT(A) is justified in deleting additions. [133(6)]
ITO v. Ramesh Chand (2022)97 ITR 421 (Delhi) (Trib)S. 69 : Unexplained investments-Burden of proof on department-Documents impounded in the course of survey-Sale consideration was accepted in the assessment of seller-Addition is not justified. [S.115BBE, 133]
Vatika Ltd v. ACIT (2022) 100 ITR 23 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib)