S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment-Accrual basis-Interest on pertaining to earlier years-Allowable in the year of payment. [S. 36(1)(iii), 145]
Dy. CIT v. Amex Carments (P) Ltd. (2022) 209 DTR 70/215 TTJ 112 (Chennai)(Trib)S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment-Accrual basis-Interest on pertaining to earlier years-Allowable in the year of payment. [S. 36(1)(iii), 145]
Dy. CIT v. Amex Carments (P) Ltd. (2022) 209 DTR 70/215 TTJ 112 (Chennai)(Trib)S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment-No evidence that sum paid before due date of filing of return-Disallowance justified-Remand to Assessing Officer to examine whether actual payment made or not-Service tax paid under protest-Cannot be allowed. [S. 37(1)]
Dy. CIT v. Wind World India Ltd. (2022) 98 ITR 22 (Mum.)(Trib)S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment-Employee’s contributions (EPF/ESIC)-Deposited beyond due date stipulated in respective Acts-Disallowance is justified. [S. 2(24), 36(1)(va), 139(1), 143(1)(a)]
Cemetile Industries. v. ITO 2022) 220 DTR 265 / 220 TTJ 801 / (2023) 198 ITD 322 (Pune) (Trib.) Late Dhannang Shankar Ganesh v. Dy.CIT (2022) 220 DTR 313 / 220 TTJ 813 (Chennai)(Trib)S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment-Employee’s contributions (EPF/ESIC)-Any sum received from employees-Deduction on actual payments-Amount paid before filing of return of income-Amendment applicable to AY. 2021 and later-Not applicable to earlier years. [S. 36(1)(v)]
Suman Solanki v Dy. CIT, CPC/ ITO (2022)98 ITR 97 (Jaipur) (Trib)S. 43(5) : Speculative transaction-Raising funds through foreign currency convertible bonds for manufacturing-Entering into hedging transaction to cover expected loss from fluctuation of foreign currency-Commercial expediency-Transaction incidental to business-Loss allowable. [S. 37(1)]
Oswal Woollen Mills Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2022)98 ITR 521 (Chd) (Trib)S. 43(5) : Speculative transaction-Derivative trading-Manufacturing of yarn-Forex derivative transactions through its bankers to hedge its foreign currency risk-Not speculative-Allowable as business loss. [S. 28(i), 37(i).]
ACIT v. Nahar Industrial Enterprises Ltd. (2022) 219 DTR 73 / 219 TTJ 544 / 99 ITR 562 / 142 taxmann.com 52 (Chd)(Trib) ACIT v. Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd (2022) 219 DTR 73 / 219 TTJ 544 / 99 ITR 562 / 142 taxmann.com 52 (Chd)(Trib) ACIT v. Oswal Woollen Mills Ltd. (2022) 219 DTR 73 / 219 TTJ 544 /99 ITR 562 / 142 taxmann.com 52 (Chd)(Trib)S. 43(1): Actual cost-Subsidy for industrialization of backward state-Capital Nature-Not to be reduced from the asset cost. [Expln. 10].
Jindal Steel and Power Ltd v. Add. CIT (2022)97 ITR 516 (Delhi) (Trib)S. 41(1) : Profits chargeable to tax-Remission or cessation of trading liability-Provision for gratuity and leave encashment written back-Expenses not allowed in earlier year-Amount write back cannot be taxed.
Welkin Telecom Infra (P.) Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2022) 96 ITR 475 (Kol) (Trib)S. 41(1) : Profits chargeable to tax-Remission or cessation of trading liability-Amounts shown as sundry creditors-Deletion of addition is justified. [S. 37(1)]
ITO v. Mohinder Pal Singla (2022) 97 ITR 587 (Chd.)(Trib)S. 41(1) : Profits chargeable to tax-Remission or cessation of trading liability-Transhipment charges-Outstanding for three years-Offered to tax in 2011-12-Justified in deleting. [S. 145]
ACIT v. United Shippers Ltd. (2022) 97 ITR 94 (Mum) (Trib)