S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Payment made at check post and police charges-Expenditure in nature of offence or prohibited by law-Disallowance is proper. [S. 37, Expln. 1]
Diwakar Logistics v. ACIT (2022) 98 ITR 24 (SN) (Hyd.)(Trib.)S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Payment made at check post and police charges-Expenditure in nature of offence or prohibited by law-Disallowance is proper. [S. 37, Expln. 1]
Diwakar Logistics v. ACIT (2022) 98 ITR 24 (SN) (Hyd.)(Trib.)S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Capital or revenue-Expenditure on systems, applications and products software licence-Revenue expenditure-Sales tax provision-Matter remanded. [S. 145]
ACIT (OSD) v. Danfoss Industries Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 98 ITR 8 (SN)(Chennai) (Trib)S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Expense towards community and social welfare activities-Expense allowable.
Sasamusa Sugar Works Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2022)98 ITR 235 (Kol) (Trib)S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Payment for site development rights-Payment not genuine-Parties not having expertise-Report of expert backdated-Bogus expenditure-Disallowance justified.
Dy. CIT v. Wind World India Ltd. (2022)98 ITR 22 (Mum) (Trib)S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Employer’s benefit, repairs and maintenance, Other expenses, commission etc-CIT(A) restricting benefits of employees and legal and professional fees by 5%-Disallowance of 10% repairs and commission and discount-Disallowance reasonable-Deletion of disallowance on manufacturing expenses-Order of CIT(A) is affirmed.
Dy. CIT v. Wind World India Ltd. (2022)98 ITR 22 (Mum)(Trib)S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Liquidated damages for delay-Liability supported by MOU-Allowable-Interest on loan taken by party paid by assessee-Interest not allowable.
Dy. CIT v. Wind World India Ltd. (2022)98 ITR 22 (Mum)(Trib)S. 36(1)(viia) : Bad debt-Provision for bad and doubtful debts-Schedule bank-Mere provision of bad and doubtful debts when the same is made on an ad hoc basis will not constitute a write-off to claim deduction.
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd. v. ACIT (2022) 217 TTJ 108/ 213 DTR 313 (Chennai) (Trib)S. 36(1)(viia) : Bad debt-Provision for bad and doubtful debts-No deduction is allowable on mere provision on gross basis-Bad debts should be actually written off in books of account-Matter remanded.
Triumph International (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT (2022)100 ITR 33 (SN)(Chennai) (Trib)S. 36(1)(vii) :Bad debt-Unit sold as slump sale-Past advances written off relating to sold unit-Not allowable as deduction.
Dy. CIT v. Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd. (2022) 215 TTJ 1003 (Kol)(Trib)S. 36(1)(iii) : Interest on borrowed capital-Real estate developer-Interest paid on overdraft-Closing stock and working progress-Disallowance was deleted-Loan to subsidiaries-Recovered the interest paid on overdraft-Deletion of interest is affirmed.
ACIT v. Milroc Good Earth Property & Development LLP (2022) 217 TTJ 52 (UO)/ 142 taxmann.com 149 (Panaji)(Trib)