S. 115JB : Book profit-Banking company-Provision is not applicable.
PCIT v. Atria Power Corporation Ltd. (2023) 452 ITR 290 (Karn.)(HC) Editorial: SLP is granted to the Revenue, PCIT v. Atria Power Corporation Ltd (2023) 452 ITR 412 (St)(SC)S. 115JB : Book profit-Banking company-Provision is not applicable.
PCIT v. Atria Power Corporation Ltd. (2023) 452 ITR 290 (Karn.)(HC) Editorial: SLP is granted to the Revenue, PCIT v. Atria Power Corporation Ltd (2023) 452 ITR 412 (St)(SC)S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-No international transaction between assessee and its associated enterprises-Band promotion-Advertisement, marketing and promotion-Deletion of disallowance is justified. [S. 37(1), 92]
PCIT v. Amadeus India Pvt. Ltd. (No. 2) (2023) 452 ITR 206 / 290 Taxman 201 (Delhi)(HC)S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Advertisement, market and business promotion expenses-Not international transaction-No change of facts-Res Judicata-Principle of consistency must be followed. [S. 92B]
PCIT v. Amadeus India Pvt. Ltd. (No. 1) (2023) 452 ITR 195 (Delhi)(HC)S. 92B : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Corporate guarantee-Tribunal remanding matter to Assessing Officer for de novo adjudication-Need not be interfered with.
Jubilant Pharmova Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2023) 452 ITR 39 (All.)(HC)/Jubilant Pharmova Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2023)458 ITR 170 (All) ( HC) Editorial : SLP of assessee dismissed, Jubilant Pharmova Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2023) 452 ITR 226 (SC)/Jubilant Pharmova Ltd v. Add.CIT ( 2023) 458 ITR 172 / 291 Taxman 527 (SC)S. 92B : Transfer pricing-International Transactions-Provision of corporate guarantee-Loan Advanced to Associated Enterprise-Tribunal remanded the matter to Commissioner (Appeals)-Order of Tribunal affirmed by High court-SLP of Assessee is dismissed. [Art. 136]
Jubilant Pharmova Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2023) 452 ITR 226 / 291 Taxman 439 (SC) Editorial : Jubilant Pharmova Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2023) 452 ITR 39 (All)(HC) affirmed.S. 92 : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Management services, management information services, information resources and system development-Reimbursement of expenses-Order of Tribunal affirmed-DTAA-India-USA. [S. 260A, Art. 12(4)(b)]
CIT(IT) v. Timken Company (2023) 452 ITR 80 / 330 CTR 324 / 221 DTR 369 (Cal.)(HC)S. 90 : Double taxation relief-Agreement-Taxing receipts-Question of fact-No substantial question of law-DTAA-India-USA. [Art. 12, 260A]
CIT(IT) v. Fujitsu America Inc. (2023) 452 ITR 311 / 333 CTR 409/ 225 DTR 513 (Delhi)(HC)S. 80G : Donation-Charitable institutions-Registered under section 12AA is not sufficient-Disqualification for spending more than 5 Per cent of receipts for religious purposes-Matter remanded to the Commissioner Exemption for examining the matter afresh. [S. 12AA, 89G(5), Rule 11AA]
CIT(E) v. Sant Girdhar Anand Parmhans Sant Ashram (2023) 452 ITR 52 /292 Taxman 472 /331 CTR 473/ 223 DTR 265 (SC) Editorial : CIT(E) v. Sant Girdhar Anand Parmhans Sant Ashram (2018) 408 ITR 79 (P&H)(HC) set aside.S. 64 : Clubbing of income-Minor child-Deduction of tax source-Interest-Accrual-Tax to be deducted by bank as and when interest accrued even before child attained majority-Method of accounting-The provisions of section 64(1A) are not ultra vires the Constitution of India. [S. 64(IA), 145, 194A, 197(1), 264]
Sibi Joy v. ITO (TDS) (2023) 452 ITR 71/ 332 CTR 651/ 226 DTR 105 (Ker.)(HC)S. 45 : Capital gains-Sale of Non-Convertible Debentures With Detachable Warrants-Valuation of cost of detachable warrants-Valuation was accepted by assessee-Tribunal affirming the cost-Order of Tribunal affirmed.
Deepak Nitrite Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2023) 452 ITR 10 / 330 CTR 680 / 222 DTR 193// 292 Taxman 357 (Guj.)(HC)