This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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Direct Tax Vivad Se Vshwas Act, 2020

S. 4: Declaration – Delay in payment of tax – Condonation of delay – Object of legislation beneficial and to reduce litigation — Rejection of belated declarations filed due to death of director of assessee – Delay in payment of disputed amount — Delay was condoned – Directed to treat declaration as valid and accept the payment with interest- Interpretation of statutes -Beneficial legislation – Liberal interpretation . [ S. 5, 10(2), 67(2), Art , 226 ]

I A Housing Solution Pvt. Ltd. v. PCIT (2023) 450 ITR 50 (Delhi)( HC)/Srishti Infra Housing Pvt Ltd v. PCIT (2023) 450 ITR 50 (Delhi)( HC)

Direct Tax Vivad Se Vshwas Act, 2020

S. 2(1)(j ): Disputed tax – Each appeal, writ petition or special leave petition to be treated as a separate dispute — Assessee has option to choose appeal to be settled under Act — No obligation to settle all disputes for a particular assessment year – Interpretation of taxing statutes — Beneficial statute to be interpreted liberally.[ S. 2(1)(a), 3, ITAct , S. 115JB , 234B , Art , 226 ]

MUFG Bank Ltd. v. CIT (2023) 450 ITR 597/330 CTR 379/221 DTR 250/145 322 (Delhi)( HC)

S. 154 : Rectification of mistake – Mistake apparent from the record — Set-off of loss — Opinion of Audit party on a point of law – Manner of set off -Not a mistake apparent from the record – Rectification order was set aside – The order rejecting the application for settlement under the Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme, and to grant a certificate to the in respect of the tax arrears in accordance with law . [Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Act, 2020 , 5((1), 5(3), Art , 226 ]

Ambarnuj Finance and Investment Pvt. Ltd v. DCIT( 2022) 220 DTR 142/ (2023) 450 ITR 40/ 291 Taxman 378 //331 CTR 421 (Delhi)( HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment –With in four years-Share application – Share premium – Information from investigation – Material giving rise to prima facie belief that income had escaped assessment, sufficient – Reassessment notice is valid [ S. 143(1), 148 , Art , 226 ]

Kalanithi Maran v. JCIT ( 2022) 219 DTR 33/ 329 CTR 474 / (2023) 450 ITR 13 (Mad)( HC) /Kavery Kalanithi v. JCIT ( 2022) 219 DTR 33/ 329 CTR 474 (2023) 450 ITR 13 (Mad)( HC)

S. 13 : Denial of exemption-Trust or institution-Investment restrictions -Property held for charitable purposes -Transactions between trustee and related party —No evidence of diversion of funds — Transaction was at arm’s length- Denial of exemption is not justified .[ S. 11, 12, 13(3) ]

CIT (E) v.Shri Ramdoot Prasad Sewa Samiti Trust (2022) 217 DTR 396/ 328 CTR 588/ (2023) 450 ITR 288 (Raj)( HC)

S. 10 (23C): Educational institution – Amounts given as donation by relatives of students seeking admission to institution run by Charitable Trust to sister trust — Sister Trust giving amounts to assessee running educational institutions — Amounts given not voluntary contribution But In Reality Capitation Fees — Court Could lift veil of trusts — Not entitled to exemption on sums received from sister Trust – Activities of trust not charitable — Registration to be cancelled – The statements given to the Assessing Officer under section 132(4) had legal force. Unless retractions are made within a short span of time, supported by affidavit swearing that the contents were incorrect and that the statement was obtained under force, coercion and by lodging a complaint with higher officials, they could not be treated as retracted. . [ S.2((15) 11,12, 12AA , 13, 132(4), Tamil Nadu Educational Institutions (Prohibition Of Collection of capitation Fee) Act, 1992 , S.4 ]

CIT v. MAC Public Charitable Trust( 2022) 219 DTR 385 / (2023) 450 ITR 368/ 333 CTR 15 (Mad)(HC )

S. 139A : Permanent account number –Surrendering permanent account number card on obtaining new card — Notice issued under old card — Court directed the Commissioner to decide which permanent account number was to be used by the assessee for future transactions and Income-tax returns. [ S. 148, 148A(b) Art , 226 ]

Ramchandra Haryani v. UOI (2022) 218 DTR 258 /328 CTR 1085 (2023) 450 ITR 250 (MP)( HC)

S. 253: Appellate Tribunal – Maintainability – Consolidated order of CIT(A) for more than one year – One appeal cannot be filed against two reassessment orders for the same assessment year- Income-tax Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1963 –R. 9 -Appeal of revenue was dismissed . [ S. 132, 153C ,ITAT R, 9 ]

ACIT v. Ajit Anantrao Pawar (Mum)(Trib) www.itatonline .org

S. 201 : Deduction at source – Failure to deduct or pay – Late deposit of TDS payment – Payment of TDS to bank would relate to date of presentation of cheque to banker- Mistake of banker the assessee is not liable to pay the interest . [ S . 194A, 201(1), 201(IA) ]

Natma Securities Ltd v.ACIT (2022) 145 291 (Delhi )( Trib)

S. 199 : Deduction at source – Credit for tax deducted -Credit for tax deducted at source has to be given even though the amount deducted is not reflected in Form No. 26AS of the payee . [ S. 22 , 143(3), 203 ]

Liladevi Dokania v. ITO ( 2022) BCAJ -January -P. 32 ( Surat )( Trib)