This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 68 : Cash credits-Burden of proof on Revenue to establish that credits represented undisclosed income-No evidence that explanation of assessee was false-Allegation of money laundering is a very serious allegation and the effect of a case of money laundering under the relevant Act is markedly different-The order passed by the Assessing Officer was utterly perverse and had been rightly set aside by the appellate authorities-Deletion of addition is justified.

PCIT v. Sreeleathers (2022) 448 ITR 332/ 143 435 (Cal.)(HC)

S. 48 : Capital gains-Computation-Sale of shares-Expenditure incurred in connection with transfer of capital asset-Sale Of Shares-Amount paid in terms of agreement-Allowable as deduction. [S. 45]

CIT v. Ing Vysya Bank Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 94 (Karn.)(HC)

S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment-Contributions to Employees’ Welfare Funds such as Provident Fund and Employees’ State Insurance-Employer in Trust-Income of assessee unless paid into fund by due date-Prescribed by enactment governing fund-Interpretation Of Taxing Statutes-Exemption or deduction,Non Obstante Clause-Deduction is available if paid before due date prescribed under respective Acts. [S. 2(24)(x), 36(1)(iv), 36(v), 139(1), Sch. IV, R. 2(C), Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, S. 30, Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952, Cl. 30, Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Regulations, 1950, Regulation, 31]

Checkmate Services P. Ltd. v. CIT (2022) 448 ITR 518 / 218 DTR 218 / 329 CTR 1 /( 2023) 290 Taxman 19 (SC) Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation v. CIT (2022) 448 ITR 518 (SC) Merchem Ltd. v. CIT (2022) 448 ITR 518 (SC) JMC Projects (I) Ltd v. CIT (2022)448 ITR 518 (SC) Berger Paints India Ltd v. CIT (2022)448 ITR 518 (SC) Popular Vehicles and services Pvt. Ltd. v. CIT (2022) 448 ITR 518 (SC) Kerala State Ware housing Corporation v. CIT (2022) 448 ITR 518 (SC) Harrisons Malayalam Ltd v. CIT (2022)448 ITR 518 /(2023) 291 Taxman 196(SC) Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. v. ITO (2022) 448 ITR 518 (SC) Max Vigil Securities Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT (2022)448 ITR 518 (SC) Ask me Lab Con Services Pvt. Ltd. v. ITO (2022) 448 ITR 518 (SC) Suzlion Energy Ltd. v. PCIT (2022) 448 ITR 518 (SC) Dhrivi Pharma Pvt. Ltd. v. JCIT (2022)448 ITR 518 (SC) Editorial : CIT v. Alom Extrusions Ltd (2009) 319 ITR 306 (SC) explained and distinguished. Decisions affirmed, CIT v. Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (2014) 366 ITR 170 (Guj.)(HC), CIT v. Merchem Ltd. (2015) 378 ITR 443 (Ker.)(HC), Popular Vehicles and Services P. Ltd v. CIT (2018) 406 ITR 150 (Ker.)(HC). Decisions overruled, Esale Teraoka Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy.CIT (2014) 366 ITR 408 (Karn)(HC), Sagun Foundry Pvt. Ltd. v. CIT (ITA No. 87 of 2006 dt. 21-12-2016 (All.)(HC), CIT v. State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (2014) 363 ITR 70 (Raj.)(HC), CIT v. Udaipur Dugdh Utpadak Sahakari Sangh Ltd. (2014) 366 ITR 163 (Raj.)(HC), CIT v. AIML Ltd. (2010) 321 ITR 508 (Delhi)(HC), CIT v. Nipso Polyfabriks Ltd. (2013) 350 ITR 327 (HP)(HC)

S. 40(a)(ia) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source-Paid to Non-Resident for technical services-Amount neither debited to profit and loss account nor claimed as deduction-No disallowance can be made. [S. 37(1), 145]

PCIT v. Linde India Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 682 / 218 DTR 250 / 329 CTR 249/(2023) 291 Taxman 157 (Cal.)(HC)

S. 40(a)(ia) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source-Non-Residents-Payments were made outside India-Not liable to deduct tax at source.

PCIT v. Vedanta Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 732 / 219 DTR 154 / 329 CTR 265 (2023) 291 Taxman 205 (SC) PCIT v. Matrix Clothing Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 732 / 219 DTR 154 / 329 CTR 265 (SC)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Loss in hedging contracts with Foreign Exchange dealers and banks-Not speculative allowable as business expenditure. [S. 28(i), 43(5)]

PCIT v. Vedanta Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 732 / 219 DTR 154 / 329 CTR 265 (SC) PCIT v. Matrix Clothing Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 732 / 219 DTR 154 / 329 CTR 265 (SC)

S. 36(1)(vii) : Bad debt-Amounts written off in accounts-Not necessary to prove that amount had become irrecoverable.

CIT v. Ing Vysya Bank Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 94 (Karn.)(HC)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Capital or revenue-Expenditure on software-Allowable as revenue expenditure.

CIT v. Ing Vysya Bank Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 94 (Karn.)(HC)

S. 35D : Amortisation of preliminary expenses-Premium collected on issued share capital-Not part of capital employed-includible in preliminary expenses for amortisation-Cost of acquisition of companies does not form part of project expenses-Deduction to be distributed in subsequent years. [S. 37(1)]

Subex Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2022)448 ITR 309 (Karn.)(HC)

S. 28(i) : Business loss-Bad debt-No evidence that loss was connected with business-Disallowance of loss is justified. [S. 36(1)(vii), 260A]

Hotel Sri Lakshmi v. ACIT (2022) 448 ITR 139 (Mad)(HC)