This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 28(i) : Business Loss-Loss in stock-in-trade-Allowable as business loss.

CIT v. Ing Vysya Bank Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 94 (Karn.)(HC)

S. 14A : Disallowance of expenditure-Exempt income-Not earned any exempt income-Amendment providing for disallowance even if assessee has not earned exempt income is not retrospective-Precedent-Special Leave petition pending before Supreme Court but order of court not stayed-Binding on Tribunal-Interpretation of taxing statutes-Provision for removal of doubts cannot be presumed to be retrospective if it alters or changes Law as it stood. [R. 8D]

PCIT v. Era Infrastructure (India) Ltd. (2022) 448 ITR 674 / 216 DTR 191 / 327 CTR 489 / 288 Taxman 384 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 11 : Property held for charitable purposes–Activities charitable in nature-Remanding matter-No substantial question of law. [S. 2(15), 12AA, 260A]

CIT. v. Ghaziabad Development Authority (2022) 448 ITR 342 (All)(HC) CIT v. Aligarh Development Authority (2022)448 ITR 342 (All) (HC) CIT v. Haridwar Development Authority (2022)448 ITR 342 (All) (HC).Editorial: SLP of Revenue dismissed , CIT (E) v. Ghaziabad Development Authority (2023)454 ITR 803/ 293 Taxman 449 (SC)/Refer ( 2023) 293 Taxman 171 ( SC)

S. 10AA : Special Economic Zones-Computation of turnover-Telecommunication expenses not to be excluded from export turnover.

Subex Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2022)448 ITR 309 (Karn.)(HC)

S. 10 (23C) : Educational institution-Solely for educational purposes and not for purposes of profit-Profits of business not exempt unless business incidental to attainment of objectives and separate books of account maintained in respect of such business-Institution should also comply with provisions of State laws regulating activities of charitable institutions-Commissioner not bound to examine only objects of institution-Free to call for audited accounts or documents for recording satisfaction whether institution genuinely seeks to achieve objects-Prospective declaration of law-Appeals against rejection of applications for approval-Appeals dismissed-Law declared departing from previous rulings-Applications to be considered in light of subsequent events disclosed in fresh applications-Law declared by Supreme Court to operate prospectively-Interpretation of taxing statutes-Literal interpretation-Proviso[S. 2(15) 10(23C(vi) 11(4A), Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Act, 1987, S 1(3)(A), 2(4), (5), 43, 44.]

New Noble Educational Society v. CCIT (2022) 448 ITR 594 / 219 DTR 89 / 329 CTR 137 / 143 276 (2023) 290 Taxman 206 (SC) St. Augustine Educational Society v. CCIT (2022) 448 ITR 594 / 219 DTR 89 / 329 CTR 137 (SC) St. Patrick Educational Society (2022) 448 ITR 594 / 219 DTR 89 / 329 CTR 137 (SC) Sri Koundinya Education Society (2022) 448 ITR 594 / 219 DTR 89 / 329 CTR 137 (SC) R.R.M. Education Society (2022) 448 ITR 594 / 219 DTR 89 / 329 CTR 137 (SC)

S. 10(10AA) : Leave salary-Employee of the Central Government or State Government-Encashed earned leave by employees Government employee-Tamil Nadu Agricultural University-Funded by State Government and under its control-Retired Employees Of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University-Entitled to exemption. [S. 192(2A), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Act, 1971, S. 7, 9]

Dr. P. Balasubramanian v. CCIT(TDS) (2022) 448 ITR 318 / 217 DTR 163 / 328 CTR 497 (Mad.)(HC) Dr. S. Chandra Shekaran v. CCIT (TDS)(2022) 448 ITR 318 / 217 DTR 163 / 328 CTR 497 (Mad.)(HC) Dr. K. Govind Rajan v. CCIT (TDS) (2022) 448 ITR 318 / 217 DTR 163 / 328 CTR 497 (Mad.)(HC)

S.43B: Deductions on actual payment – Adjustment u/s 143(1)(iv)(a)- Disallowance under section 36(1)(va) of the Act – Assessing Officer could not make disallowance based on observations made in Tax audit report that payments were made after due date specified under respective Acts- Adjustment u/s 143(1)(iv)(a) of the Act is bad in law – Judgement of Supreme Court in Checkmate Services Pvt Ltd v. CIT (2022) 448 ITR 518/ 218 DTR 218 / 143 178 (SC) was rendered in the context where the assessment was farmed under section 143(3) of the Act hence not applicable when the adjustment is made u/s 143(1) of the Act. [ S. 2(24), 36(1)(va) , 139(1), 143(1), 143(i))(a)(v) ]

P.R.Packaging Service v. ACIT ( Mum)( Trib) www.itatonline .org

S. 272A : Penalty-Failure to answer questions-Sign statements-Furnish information-Illness of managing trustee of trust-Reasonable cause-Levy of penalty is not valid. [S. 139, 272A(2)(e), 273B]

National Institute of Women Child & Rural Health Trust v. JCIT (2022) 194 ITD 214 (Chennai)(Trib.)

S. 271G : Penalty-Documents-International transaction-Transfer pricing-Bench marking is accepted-Deletion of penalty is valid. [S. 92C, R. 10D(1)]

ACIT v. DA Jhaveri (2022) 194 ITD 600 (Mum.)(Trib.)

S. 271G : Penalty-Documents-International transaction-Transfer pricing-Valid satisfaction not recorded-Levy of penalty is not valid. [S. 92CA, 92D, 271(1)(c)]

ACIT v. Enhance Ambient Communication (P.) Ltd. (2022) 194 ITD 40// 220 TTJ 947 / 220 DTR 229 (Mum.)(Trib.)