S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Rendering business support services-Reimbursement with mark-up-Matter remanded to CIT(A) for adjudication de novo.
BBC World Service India Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2022) 93 ITR 28 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib.)S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Rendering business support services-Reimbursement with mark-up-Matter remanded to CIT(A) for adjudication de novo.
BBC World Service India Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2022) 93 ITR 28 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib.)S. 92B : Transfer pricing-Arm’s Length Price-Provision of corporate guarantee to associated enterprise-International Transaction-Order of CIT(A) is affirmed. [S. 92C]
PCI LTD. v. ACIT (2022)93 ITR 47 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib.)S. 80P : Co-operative societies-Interest earned on money deposited in Nationalised Bank-Taxable as income from other sources-Interest earned on securities with Reserve Bank of India-Eligible for exemption-Enhanced business profits on account of disallowances-Qualify for exemption-Members includes nominal members and extraordinary members-Eligible for exemption. [S. 56, 80P(2)(a)(i), Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960]
Nashik Road Nagari Sahkari Patsanstha Ltd. v. ITO (2022) 93 ITR 44 (SN) (Pune)(Trib.)S. 80IA : Industrial undertakings-Infrastructure development-Initial assessment Year-Option to choose with assessee-Deduction to be computed without setting off unabsorbed Depreciation-Windmill-Expenditure were incurred for effective functioning of Windmills-Depreciation allowable. [S. 32, 80IA(2)]
ACIT v. Kalthia Engineering and Construction Ltd. (2022) 93 ITR 30 (SN) (Ahd.)(Trib.)S. 69C : Unexplained expenditure-Bogus purchases-Accommodation entries-CIT(A) estimated at 25 percent-Tribunal restricted the addition to 12.5 percent.
Anil Arora v. ITO (2022) 93 ITR 56 (SMC)(SN) (Delhi)(Trib.)S. 69 : Unexplained investments-Deposit of cash in bank account-Addition was deleted-Cash deposits and withdrawal-Concealment penalty-Matter remanded. [S. 271(1)(c)]
Sudhir Angre v. ITO (2022)93 ITR 69 (SN) (Pune)(Trib.) Sunil Angre v. ITO (2022)93 ITR 69 (SN) (Pune)(Trib.)S. 69 : Income from undisclosed sources-Entries in cash book on date of issue of cheque-Presented in Bank subsequently-Matter remanded for verification.
Niyant Heritage Hotels (P.) Ltd. v ITO (2022) 93 ITR 11 (SN) (Delhi) (Trib.)S. 69 : Income from undisclosed sources-Entries in cash book on date of issue of cheque-Presented in Bank subsequently-Matter remanded for verification.
Niyant Heritage Hotels (P.) Ltd. v ITO (2022)93 ITR 11 (SN) (Delhi) (Trib.)S. 68 : Cash credits-Accommodation entries-Entire deposit cannot be added as income of the assessee-Estimating the commission at 0.6 percent is held to be appropriate.
ITO v. Rakesh Relan (2022) 93 ITR 39 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib.)S. 56 : Income from other sources-Purchase of immovable property for value less than stamp duty value-Amendment is applicable for assessment year 2014-15 and subsequent years-Amendment is not retrospective-Unable to explain the source of cash payment-Assessable as income undisclosed income. [S. 56 (2)(vii)(b), 69].
Balaram Suryavanshi v. ITO (2022) 93 ITR 4 (SN) (Kol.)(Trib.)