This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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Direct Taxes Vivad Se Vishwas Act, 2020.
S. 2(1)(a): Appellant – Declaration processed and Form 3 issued To Assessee -Rejection of declaration -Not valid —State cannot claim benefit of its own mistake. [S. 4 , Art , 226 ]
PCIT v. Asish Kumar Ghosh (2022) 444 ITR 398/ 214 DTR 257/326 CTR 841 (Cal)(HC)
Bengal Agricultural Income-tax Act, 1944
S. 34:Method of computation -Agricultural Income -tax -Appeal dismissed – Alternative remedy – Writ is not maintainable [ West Bengal Taxation Tribunal Act, 1987, Art , 226 ]
B. D. Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. v State of West Bengal (2022) 444 ITR 504 (Cal)(HC))
Gift-tax Act, 1958
S. 15: Assessment – Asset gifted – Valuation — Question of fact .[ S. 15(2)]
Azad Rahim v. ITO (2022) 444 ITR 557 (Ker)(HC)
S. 2(1)(a) : Appellant-Declarant-Condonation of delay-Effect of Circular of CBDT dated 4-12-2020-The rejection of the declaration was not justified-The declarations of the assessee shall be accepted and thereafter dealt with as provided under the Act. [Art. 226]
Rakesh Garg v. PCIT (2022) 443 ITR 137 / 211 DTR 265 / 325 CTR 440 (Raj.)(HC)
S. 279 : Offences and prosecutions-Sanction-Chief Commissioner-Commissioner-Failure to deposit tax deducted at source-Deposited in Government Treasury after 11 months-Assessee and persons in charge to face trial-Writ petition to quash the proceedings was dismissed-Petition for Special Leave to appeal dismissed.[S. 192, Art, 136, 226].
Indo Arya Central Transport Ltd. v. CIT (TDS) (2022) 443 ITR 239 / 211 DTR 441 / 325 CTR 553 / 285 Taman 2 (SC) Editorial : Decision in Indo Arya Central Transport Ltd. v. CIT (TDS) (2018) 404 ITR 667 (Delhi)(HC) affirmed.
S. 276C : Offences and prosecutions-Wilful attempt to evade tax-Failure to file return of income-Payment of tax with interest-No wilful evasion of tax-Prosecution quashed. [S. 140A, 276C(2), 276CC]
Inland Builders Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2022) 443 ITR 270 (Mad.)(HC)
S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty-Concealment-Sanction of Joint Commissioner-Definition-Includes Additional Commissioner-Sanction of Additional Commissioner obtained-Penalty proceedings validly initiated. [S.2(28C), 260A, 271(1)(c), 274(2)].
Gyan Chand Jain v. CIT (2022) 443 ITR 241 / 213 DTR 71/ 326 CTR 241 /287 Taxman 87 (SC)
S. 270A : Penalty for under-reporting and misreporting of income-Grant of immunity from penalty and prosecution-Voluntary computation of income filed to buy peace and avoid litigation-Failure to specify in penalty notice whether proceedings initiated for under-reporting or misreporting-Granted immunity. [S. 270AA(4), Art. 226]
Schneider Electric South East Asia (HQ) Pte Ltd. v. ACIT(IT) (2022) 443 ITR 186 / 213 DTR 134 / 326 CTR 374 (Delhi)(HC)
S. 264 : Commissioner-Revision of other orders-Commissioner can give relief to an assessee who has committed mistake-DTAA-India-Kuwait. [S. 143(3), Art. 10, Art. 226]
Hapag Lloyd India Pvt. Ltd. v. PCIT (2022) 443 ITR 168 / 212 DTR 99/ (2023) 330 CTR 699 (Bom.)(HC)
S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue-Income Declaration Scheme, 2016-Declaration accepted and consequent assessment-Revision is not valid. [Income Declaration Scheme, 2016]
PCIT v. Manju Osatwal (2022) 443 ITR 107 / 211 DTR 216 / 325 CTR 450 (Cal.)(HC)