This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty-Concealment-Sanction of Joint Commissioner-Definition-Includes Additional Commissioner-Sanction of Additional Commissioner obtained-Penalty proceedings validly initiated. [S.2(28C), 260A, 271(1)(c), 274(2)].

Gyan Chand Jain v. CIT (2022) 443 ITR 241 / 213 DTR 71/ 326 CTR 241 /287 Taxman 87 (SC)

S. 270A : Penalty for under-reporting and misreporting of income-Grant of immunity from penalty and prosecution-Voluntary computation of income filed to buy peace and avoid litigation-Failure to specify in penalty notice whether proceedings initiated for under-reporting or misreporting-Granted immunity. [S. 270AA(4), Art. 226]

Schneider Electric South East Asia (HQ) Pte Ltd. v. ACIT(IT) (2022) 443 ITR 186 / 213 DTR 134 / 326 CTR 374 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 264 : Commissioner-Revision of other orders-Commissioner can give relief to an assessee who has committed mistake-DTAA-India-Kuwait. [S. 143(3), Art. 10, Art. 226]

Hapag Lloyd India Pvt. Ltd. v. PCIT (2022) 443 ITR 168 / 212 DTR 99/ (2023) 330 CTR 699 (Bom.)(HC)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue-Income Declaration Scheme, 2016-Declaration accepted and consequent assessment-Revision is not valid. [Income Declaration Scheme, 2016]

PCIT v. Manju Osatwal (2022) 443 ITR 107 / 211 DTR 216 / 325 CTR 450 (Cal.)(HC)

S. 260A : Appeal-High Court-Penalty-Monetary limits for appeals by Department Commissioner (Appeals) reducing penalty to sum below Rs. 20 Lakhs-Appeal to High Court maintainable. [S. 271(1)(c)]

Gyan Chand Jain v. CIT (2022) 443 ITR 241 / 213 DTR 71 / 326 CTR 241 //287 Taxman 87 (SC)

S. 260A : Appeal-High Court-Income from undisclosed sources-Share application money-High Court disposing of Department’s appeals in one paragraph without discussion-Order set aside and matters remitted to High Court for consideration afresh on merits. [S. 56(1), 68]

PCIT v. Motisons Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 443 ITR 6 / 326 CTR 778 / 214 DTR 20(SC) PCIT v. Motisons Global Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 443 ITR 6 / 326 CTR 778/ 214 DTR 20 (SC) PCIT v. Godawari Estates Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 443 ITR 6 / 326 CTR 778 / 214 DTR 20(SC)

S. 260A : Appeal-High Court-Substantial question of law-High Court-Dismissal of appeal non-speaking and non-reasoned order-Unsustainable-High Court to dispose of appeal afresh passing speaking and reasoned order.

PCIT v. Bajaj Herbals Pvt. Ltd. (2022) 443 ITR 230 / 212 DTR 231 / 326 CTR 32 /287 Taxman 163 (SC)

S. 254(1) : Appellate Tribunal-Powers-Admit new claim-Claiming deduction of expenditure erroneously treated in return as capital-Tribunal justified in entertaining. [S. 37(1)]

Wipro Finance Ltd. v. CIT (2022) 443 ITR 250 / 212 DTR 269 /326 CTR 113 /287 Taxman 155 /137 230 (SC) Editorial: Decision in CIT v. Wipro Finance Ltd (2010) 325 ITR 672 (Kran)(HC) reversed.

S. 251 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Stay of demand-Writ petition dismissed by High Court-Parties agreeing to allow matters before Commissioner (Appeals)-Matter disposed with direction for maintenance of Status Quo. [Art. 226]

Indus Towers Ltd. v. ACIT. (2022) 443 ITR 38 / 213 DTR 409 / 326 CTR 574 / 286 Taxman 226 (SC)

S. 249 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Form of appeal and limitation-Supreme Court extending period prescribed under any general or special Law in respect of all judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings due to pandemic-Subsequent Circular Dated 25-5-2021 issued by Board extending limitation for filing appeal before Commissioner (Appeals) until further order. [S. 119, Art. 226]

Palak Agarwal v. CBDT (2022) 443 ITR 189 (MP)(HC)