PCIT v. Ajit Ramakant Phatarpekar [2021] 277 Taxman 543 /[2020] 429 ITR 319 (Bom) (HC)

S. 40A(2): Expenses or payments not deductible – Excessive or unreasonable -Stacking and handling expenses – Blending and screening charges to its sister concern – Order of Tribunal deleting the disallowance is affirmed .[ S. 260A ]

Assessee-company paid stacking and handling expenses and blending and screening charges to its sister concern .  Revenue contended that there was no evidence that sister concern was involved in such kind of activities and such expenses should be added back to income of assessee . Tribunal deleted disallowance . Order of Tribunal deleting the disallowance is affirmed  ( AY. 2010 -11)