PCIT v. Ballarpur Industries Ltd. (2019) 413 ITR 447/ 308 CTR 305 / 263 Taxman 443/ 177 DTR 161 (SC)Editorial: Order in CIT v. Ballarpur Industries Ltd ( 2017) 85 taxmann.com 13 ( Bom) (HC) is setaside

S. 254(1) : Appellate Tribunal-Duties-Capital or revenue-Tribunal Recording Inconsistent findings–Matter remanded to Tribunal for decision afresh. [S. 37(1), 260A]

Allowing the appeal of the revenue the Court held that the Appellate Tribunal has recorded inconsistent findings which was affirmed by High Court .Accordingly the matter remanded to Tribunal for decision afresh. (AY. 1993-94)