Sir, What is the time limit for issuance of notice for fy 2019-20? Will the reduced time limit of three months apply as against the original period of 6 months? Notices u/s 143(2) were already received in few cases before 30-06-2021. Can it be considered that all the notices are issued and no further notices will be issued? Please clarify.
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After order u/S 143(3) and assessments u/S 151 a can officer issue notice u/S 148.
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sir, In response to notice u/s 148 , is it required to file return of income or is it enough by giving reply that return already be taken as one in response to re opening notice. some officers insist on filing of return .
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Need a case law of CIT v. Smithkline Beecham Consumer Brands Ltd. (2003) 126 Taxman 104 (Chd.) (Mag.).
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Sir, I have made cash payment of Rs. 16,000 and Rs.11,700 (payment above 10,000/- ) in a day to my workers on account of wages. Whether, this can be subject to addition u/s 40A(3). Kidly communicate supporting case law on the subject.Assessment Year 2019-20.
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Sir, Whether AO can make addition in the case of purchaser of property of the diffrence of actual purchase as per document and DLC rate fixed by the registrar for stamp duty purpose. In my case actual purchase rate is lower to the DLC rate. whether declaration of deemed income is necessary. Presently, transactions are made below the DLC rate. Kindly clear whether DLC rate is only considered for capital gain purpose and it is not applicable to purchaser of the property.
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Whether ITAT can see the satisfaction note drawn before search . S. 132 , 254 ( 1)
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Assessment for A.Y 2012-13 was reopened by issuing notice U/S 148 on the allegation that the assessee has received Bogus commodity profit through banking channel and passed on cash as per statement of broker. The assessee had shown the profit on commodity and offered the same for taxation in the original return and also in the return filed in response to 148 notice. No deduction from the aforesaid income was claimed. Apart from various legal grounds of appeal one of the ground is , since the income has already been offered to taxation the addition of the same again on…
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Dear Sir, Scrutiny Notice under section 143(2) for AY 2020-2021 does not mentions whether selection of return of income is selected for scrutiny is under CASS/Manual. Whether case has been selected for scrutiny under CASS or Manual, has been a practice from the department for past many years and also been mentioned in the instruction issued by the CBDT vide F.No. 225/157 /2017 /ITA.11 dated 23 June 2017 (attached). Whether Scrutiny Notice issued under section 143(2) for AY 2020-2021 valid in terms of above instructions & guidelines under the income tax act?
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In spite of our best possible efforts to file 1st appeal of Income Tax in faceless Regime we are not able to upload Form 35 alongwith neccessary documents due to technical glitches on Income Tax Portal . Please suggest the remedy available.
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