It was held that merely because a different treatment was given in books of account cannot be a factor which would deprive assessee from claiming entire expenditure as a deduction. Therefore, AO was incorrect in making addition towards amortisation of subsidised cost to book profit computed u/s. 115JB and was to delete addition towards book profit computed u/s. 115JB Followed Taparia Tools Ltd v JCIT (2015) 372 ITR 605 (SC) (AY.2011-12)
Scrabble Entertainment Ltd. v. ACIT (2018) 169 DTR 51 / 193 TTJ 418 ( Mum.)(Trib.)
S. 115JB : Book profit-Adjustments towards disallowance of amortization of subsidized cost-Different treatment given in the books of account-Adjustment is held to be not valid.