SEA Sagar Construction Co. v. V.A. Nair ITO (2022) 444 ITR 385 / 213 DTR 393 / 288 Taxman 609 / 328 CTR 897 (Bom.)(HC) SEA Sagar Construction Co. v V.N. Talreja Dy.CIT (2022) 444 ITR 385 / 213 DTR 393/ 288 Taxman 609/ 328 CTR 897 (Bom.)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-Limitation-No finding or recording of reason that income has escaped assessment on account of failure of assessee to disclose truly and fully all material facts-Notice And Order Rejecting Objections Unsustainable. [S. 148, 149 150. Art, 226]

Notice was  issued  of under section 148 beyond the period of limitation prescribed under section 149. On a writ petition allowing the petition the Court held that  there was no specific finding that income chargeable to tax had escaped assessment for the AYs 2001-02, 2002-03 and 2003-04 nor was there a direction to the Assessing Officer to initiate reassessment proceedings under section 147 by issuing notices under section 148. On the contrary, the Tribunal had recorded specific findings that following the project completion method the assessee had offered income in respect of the project in the AY 2003-04 which had been accepted by the Department. Once income was taxed in the AY 2003-04 on the completion of the project, there could not be any question of taxing the same amount in the earlier years by applying a particular percentage on the amount of work-in-progress shown in the balance-sheet. There was nothing in the reasons recorded for reopening of the assessments to indicate that there was any escapement of income due to failure on the part of the assessee to truly and fully disclose material facts. Accordingly the notice issue was quashed. (AY. 2001-02 to 2003-04)