Shine Star v. ACIT (Mum)(Trib) (UR)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Bogus purchase-Rough diamonds-Estimate addition-Estimated the profit @ 3% of the polished diamonds and @5% of the rough diamonds. [S. 143(3)]

The AO made the disallowance of Rs.3,46,67,496/-qua alleged purchases by holding the same as bogus purchases. Considering the peculiar facts and the assessment orders for relevant Assessment Years wherein the purchases from alleged Hawala Dealers, as involved in this case, followed the same pattern and ultimately estimated the profit @ 3% of the polished diamonds and @5% of the rough diamonds and consequently made the addition(s) accordingly. [AY 2012-13] [ITA No. 4001/Mumbai/2023 dated 30/04/2024]