Court held that the requirement under section 144C(1) to first pass a draft assessment order and to provide a copy thereof to the assessee is a mandatory requirement which gives a substantive right to the assessee to object to any variation, that is prejudicial to it. The procedure prescribed under section 144C of the Act is a mandatory procedure and not directory. Failure to follow the procedure under section 144C(1) would be a jurisdictional error and not merely procedural error or irregularity but a breach of a mandatory provision. Therefore, section 292B of the Income-tax Act cannot save an order passed in breach of the provisions of section 144C(1), the same being an incurable illegality. Accordingly the final assessment order had been passed without the draft assessment order as contemplated under section 144C(1). The order was not valid. (AY. 2017-18)
SHL (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy.CIT (2021) 438 ITR 317 / 282 Taxman 334 / 204 DTR 233 / 321 CTR 655 (Bom.)(HC)
S. 144C : Reference to dispute resolution panel-Order passed without following the procedure-Not a procedural irregularity-Not a curable defects-Final order passed without the draft assessment order was not valid. [S. 292B, Art. 226]