Allowing the petition of Revenue the Court held that since the judgment was passed by High Court without any notice and thereby without giving any opportunity to revenue, said order was in violation of the principle of natural justice. Accordingly, the order passed by High Court was quashed and the matter was remanded to decide the writ petition afresh.
UOI v. G.M. Foods (2023) 452 ITR 100/290 Taxman 446 / 223 DTR 239/ 331 CTR 475 (SC) Editorial: Arising out of order of High Court in. G.M. Foods v. IT& WT Settlement Commission (2015) 58 16 /231 Taxman 793 (Cal)(HC)
S. 234B : Interest-Advance tax-Interest would be computed up to date of admission of application by Settlement Commission under section 245D(1) and not up to date of order of settlement Commission under section 245D(4)-Natural justice-Order was passed without giving an opportunity to the Revenue-Order of by High Court was quashed and the matter was remanded to decide writ petition afresh [S. 245D(1) 245D(4)]