Judgements Uploaded By Users In Category: Other Laws
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Brigade Enterprises Vs Anil Kumar Virmani & Ors (Supreme Court)

The Supreme Court of India has held that *Brigade Enterprises Vs Anil Kumar Virmani & Ors* *Forum-Supreme Court of India* *Date-17th December, 2021* *Sub-Whether suit for delay in delivery of possession by few apartment owners in a complex can be treated as having been made on behalf of all the apartment owners under the Consumer Protection Act and in case it is not… Read More ...


The Supreme Court of India has held that BEEREDDY DASARATHARAMI REDDY .....Vs V. MANJUNATH AND ANOTHER Forum-Supreme Court of India Date-13th December, 2021 Sub-Whether Karta of a HUF has the power to sale immovable property belonging to the family without consent of all the coparceners of the family. The Supreme Court in this case was considering an appeal where the action of Karta… Read More ...

Murthy & Ors Vs Saradambal & Ors (Supreme Court of India)

The Supreme Court of India has held that Murthy & Ors Vs C.Saradambal & Ors Forum-Supreme Court of India Date-10th December, 2021 Sub-When a will can be said to have been made by a person when he was in sound and disposing state of mind? The Supreme Court in this case was considering an interesting case when the daughter in law opposed the… Read More ...

Rashesh Manhar Bhansali v. ACIT (Mum.)(Trib.)

The Mumbai Tribunal has held that Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign income and Assets ) and imposition of tax Act, 2015 S. 2(11) : Undisclosed asset located outside India - Applicability of the Statute – Accounts not in existence at the Black Money Act, 2015 came into force – The new legislation operates for those accounts and assets too.[I.T. Act S. 139(1)]… Read More ...

Doyle De’souza Vs Govt of India through Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Supreme Court)

The Supreme Court has held that Doyle De’souza Vs Govt of India through Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner Forum-Supreme Court of India Date-29th October,2021 Sub-When a person can be in charge of, and responsible to, the company for the conduct of the business of the company and thus be liable for punishment if default is committed by the Company. The Supreme Court… Read More ...

Md. Abul Kalam v. UOI (Gauhati High Court)

The Gauhati High Court has held that Oral hearing is an important ingredient of the justice delivery system-An open court proceeding ensures that the judicial process is subject to public scrutiny- Public scrutiny is crucial to maintaining transparency and accountability-.Transparency in the functioning of democratic institutions is crucial to establish the public‘s faith in them........- Successor Judge -Has to give oral hearing… Read More ...

Union of India & Ors Vs Keshari Industries (Gauhati High Court)

The Gauhati High Court has held that Union of India & Ors Vs Keshari Industries Date-8th October 2021 Forum -Gauhati High Court Sub-Whether refund of education and higher secondary education cess made in view of decision of apex court which decision is subsequently declared per incuriam can be said to have been erroneously refunded u/s 11A of the Central Excise Act1944 -Chief… Read More ...

Saregama India Limited Versus Next Radio Limited & Ors (Supreme Court)

The SUPREME COURT OF INDIA has held that “The court in the exercise of judicial review cannot supplant the terms of the provision through judicial interpretation by re-writing statutory language. Draftsmanship is a function entrusted to the legislature. Craftsmanship on the judicial side cannot transgress into the legislative domain by re-writing the words of a statute. For then, the judicial craft enters the… Read More ...

Humanity Salt Lake & Anr Vs State of West Bengal & Ors (Calcutta High Court)

The Calcutta High Court has held that *Humanity Salt Lake & Anr Vs State of West Bengal & Ors* *Date-27th September, 2021* *Forum_Calcutta High Court* *Sub-Allotment of 2 acre plot of land in Salt Lake by WBHIDCO inspite of earlier allotment having been set aside by Supreme Court in disregard of rules and regulations-Calcutta High Court comes down heavily against the manner… Read More ...

Padmini Infrastructure Private Limited Vs Royal Garden Residents’ Welfare Association (Supreme Court)

The Supreme Court has held that Padmini Infrastructure Private Limited Vs Royal Garden Residents’ Welfare Association Date:28th September,2021 Forum-Supreme Court Sub-What is the liability of the builder in case the facilities which are promised like swimming pool, fire fighting equipment, water softening plant and health club etc are not given? The Apex Court in this case was dealing with appeal of… Read More ...