Aashna Roy Vs ITC Hotels Limited (National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission)

Court: National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Head Notes:

Aashna Roy Vs ITC Hotels Limited (National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission)
Date-26th April, 2023
Sub-Compensation for deficiency in service for wrong hair cut- amount maintained at Rs 2 crore- Interest @ 9% pa awarded from the date of complaint till date.

In this second round of litigation where the complainant had been appearing in person, the NCDRC was called upon to reconsider the quantum of compensation in the light of Supreme Court’s direction when the last round of litigation travelled upto top court. The panel noted that Compensation” is word of a very wide connotation. It may constitute actual loss or expected loss and may extend to compensation of physical, mental or even emotional sufferings, insult or injury or loss . The reasonable and just compensation is to be awarded to the Complainant.  There is no doubt that the women are very cautious and careful with regard to their hair.  They spend a handsome amount on keeping the hair in good condition. They are also emotionally attached with their hairs. The Complainant was a model for hair products because of her long hair. She has done modeling for VLCC and Pantene. But due to hair cutting against her instructions, she lost her expected assignments and suffered a huge loss which completely changed her lifestyle and shattered her dream to be a top model. She was also working as Senior Management Professional and earning a decent income. She underwent severe mental breakdown and trauma due to negligence in cutting her hair . Finally based on the loss that she had suffered due not being able to take up the job which she could have taken, the NCDRC maintained the compensation at the same amount of Rs 2 crores.

ITC is now in Supreme Court when the matter is next fixed for hearing on 8th May 2023.

Ramesh Patodia

Section(s): Consumer Protection Act
Counsel(s): Counsels
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Uploaded By Adv Ramesh Patodia
Date of upload: May 5, 2023

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