Allowing the appeal of the assessee the Tribunal held that; Assessee had purchased and sold shares of a company which amalgamated into another company by order of High Court .AO held that the scrips of Kailash were used by entry providers for providing bogus accommodation entries and that in some other matter in course of proceedings before Investigation Wing, Chartered Accountant had confirmed that he had provided accommodation entry in scrip of Kailash and, consequently, AO treated long-term capital gains under S. 69 of the Act. Allowing the appeal of the assessee the Tribunal held that, the assessee had duly shown transaction in cheques right from purchase to sale of shares and all transactions had been routed through DMAT account in Bombay Stock Exchange as per quoted price as on that date. SEBI did not find any prima facie material for manipulation in price of scrip of Kailash. Further, statement of Chartered Accountant could not be sole ground to implicate assessee and justify additions especially when, nowhere assessee had been found to be beneficiary of any kind of accommodation entry in any inquiry by Investigation Wing or any such material had been unearthed by department. Accordingly the long term long-term capital gain shown by assessee was genuine and, consequently liable for exemption under S 10(38) of the Act. (AY. 2014 -15)
Vidhi Malhotra .v. ITO (2019) 174 ITD 655 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 45 : Capital gains-Unexplained investment-Long term capital gains -Penny stocks -Sale of shares–Accommodation entries-Purchase and sale of shares had been made through Bombay Stock Exchange and through DMAT account-Sale proceeds to be assessed as long term and cannot be assessed as unexplained investment–Eligible exemption. [S. 10(38), 69, 131]