Answers to queries on legal issues

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Gold Jewellery disclosed In IDS 2016 and given to Jewellers as Loan
Subject: Gold Jewellery disclosed In IDS 2016 and given to Jewellers as Loan
Asked by: prakash
Answered by:
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Date: December 28, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
Burden is on the assessee to prove that the gold was given as loan . One has to verify what entry is passed by the jeweller in their books of account . One has to decide the issue on facts . (read more)
Answered by:
Date: December 28, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
The assessee should file an appeal before the Tribunal . The assessee may succeed in appeal . Article. 265 of the Constitution of India states that “No tax shall be levied or collected except by authority of law“. The collection of tax has to be also within the frame work of law. The Circular No.… (read more)
the property is in the name of my uncle, now he want me to become the co borrower , so whether i can take tax deduction under section 24 b with respect to interest.
Subject: the property is in the name of my uncle, now he want me to become the co borrower , so whether i can take tax deduction under section 24 b with respect to interest.
Asked by: Deepak malwa
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Date: December 26, 2023
Excerpt of answer: Reply of the Expert is awaited. Please check back later
Section 153 post search assessment
Subject: Section 153 post search assessment
Asked by: SURENDRA MEHTA, ADvocate, Jodhpur
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Date: December 24, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
The assessment framed cannot be treated as illegal unless the said orders are quashed by the higher authorities . The assesee may file an application under section 264 of the Act , to quash the assessment proceedings based on the order of the Tribunal. If application under section 264 is rejected the assessee can writ… (read more)
Alternate Minimum Tax
Subject: Alternate Minimum Tax
Asked by: Rajarajeswaran P V
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Date: December 24, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
According to sections 115JC and 115JD of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the provisions of Alternate Minimum Tax are only applicable to the individuals who are claiming profit linked deductions viz. Heading C of Chapter VIA or section 35AD, et cetera. Therefore, these provisions would not be attracted in the case of the assessee. (read more)
Applicability of Sec 68 of I.T. Act, 1961
Subject: Applicability of Sec 68 of I.T. Act, 1961
Asked by: CA Govind Agrawal
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Date: December 24, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
One has to read the satisfaction noted by the Assessing Officer while passing the order under section 148A(b) of the Act . The objection raised by the Assessee and order disposing the objection under section 148A(d) of the Act. If the order under section 148A(d ) is not following the due process of law ,… (read more)
HUF status after all coparceners expire and only Karta remains alive
Subject: HUF status after all coparceners expire and only Karta remains alive
Asked by: Deepak
Answered by: Reply of the Expert is awaited;
Date: December 24, 2023
Excerpt of answer: Reply of the Expert is awaited. Please check back later
Sale of shares at face value
Subject: Sale of shares at face value
Asked by: Rajarajeswaran P V
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Date: December 16, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
We have not understood your query. It is advisable to have all transactions at Fair Market Value to avoid any adverse implications under the Income-tax Act, 1961. (read more)
Adjustment u/a 143(1)(a)(ii)
Subject: Adjustment u/a 143(1)(a)(ii)
Asked by: Sakshi Dokania
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Date: December 15, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
Make rectification application under section 154 of the Act. If no show cause was issued before making an adjustment , the assessee can also file an appeal before the CIT( A) The assessee should make an application to the Commissioner to condone the delay in filing of the return . One has to study the… (read more)
No DIN while giving approval by Addl CIT to draft assessment order sent for approval
Subject: No DIN while giving approval by Addl CIT to draft assessment order sent for approval
Asked by: prakash
Answered by:
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Date: December 14, 2023
Excerpt of answer:
The stand of the assessee is correct. The issue is squarely covered by a decision of the Hon'ble Income-tax Appellate Tribunal - Pune bench in the case of BVG India Limited v. DCIT 11 to 16/Pun/2023 dated October 19, 2023 (Pun)(Trib). (read more)