Answers to queries on legal issues

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Section 56(2)(10) cancellation of gift
Subject: Section 56(2)(10) cancellation of gift
Asked by: subodh vora
Answered by:
Date: October 22, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
In Kolli Rajesh Chowdary vs. State of Andhra Pradesh and Ors. AIR 2019ANDHRA PRADESH40 the Court held that cancellation of registered gift deed requires mutual consent of both the parties and their participation . Gift deed cancellation not valid . On the facts of the query if the cancellation is valid in law there would… (read more)
Compensation under Right to fair, compensation and transparency in Land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement Act 2013
Subject: Compensation under Right to fair, compensation and transparency in Land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement Act 2013
Asked by: Manoj jain
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Date: October 22, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
The receipt of the said compensation is not taxable under the Income tax by virtue of section 96 of RFCTLARRA, 2013. Further, the Central Board of Direct taxes vide CBDT Circular No. 36 of 2016 dated October 25, 2016 [2016] 388 ITR (Stat) 48 has expressly made it clear that that compensation received in respect… (read more)
Registration U/Sec. 12AA
Subject: Registration U/Sec. 12AA
Asked by: Kulkarni P.S
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Date: October 20, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
: The Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in the case of CIT v. Kutchi Dasa Oswal Moto Pariwar Ambama Trust [2014] 362 ITR 194 (Guj)(HC) held that Even though Commissioner has power to call for such documents or information from trust as he thinks necessary, yet it does not mean that if activities of trust have… (read more)
Stamp duty on agricultural land
Subject: Stamp duty on agricultural land
Asked by: Mukund Deshmukh
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Date: October 20, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
Rate Stamp duty is a state subject which differs from state to state. (read more)
Capital or revenue expenditure
Subject: Capital or revenue expenditure
Asked by: Manali
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Date: October 20, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
Maintainability of appeal has nothing to do with tax liability. Yes, the stand of the assessee to claim it as revenue expense is correct. Although not necessary, the assessee may file a cross objection or an application under Rule 27 of the Income-tax Appellate Tribunal Rules, 1963. The Hon’ble Bombay High Court in the case… (read more)
Section 55A
Subject: Section 55A
Answered by:
Date: October 20, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
The assessee should raise a ground before the Appellate Authority that the Assessing Officer has proceeded without procuring the valuation report. The valuation report should be filed before the Appellate Authority after which they will call for a remand report from the Assessing Officer. (read more)
Does purchase of new asset and renovation considered as construction of new residential under 54f
Subject: Does purchase of new asset and renovation considered as construction of new residential under 54f
Asked by: Madhu
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Date: October 20, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
The Hon’ble Income-tax Appellate Tribunal in the case of Juveria Begum and others vs ITO ITA 2224/Hyd/2018 dated September 04, 2020 (Hyd)(Trib) has held that renovation of house property can be considered as construction of house property for the purpose of section 54/54F of the Act. (read more)
Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme
Subject: Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme
Asked by: Dhavalkumar Gandh
Answered by:
Date: October 20, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
The Ld. AO cannot rectify the order after the assessment year is settled under VSVA. In absence of alternate efficacious remedy, the assessee may file a Writ Petition challenging the act of the Ld. AO. (read more)
Whether in case revenue Neutral additions an appeal can be filed under Income Tax Act.
Subject: Whether in case revenue Neutral additions an appeal can be filed under Income Tax Act.
Asked by: Prakash Kulkarni
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Date: October 18, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
The impugned addition made by the Ld. AO cannot be considered to be revenue neutral merely because there is a timing difference in recognition of expenses, as the rate of tax can differ from year to year. If the Tribunal allows the appeal of the Department. The Assessee would be entitled depreciation of the capitalized… (read more)
How a Foreign Company will deposit TDS in India?
Subject: How a Foreign Company will deposit TDS in India?
Asked by: CA Shekhar Sharma
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Date: October 18, 2022
Excerpt of answer:
ex abundanti cautela, it is advisable that, both the deductor and deductee procure a PAN & TAN and file their returns in India. The applicable withholding rate will be 20 percent plus Cess & Surcharge. (read more)