S. 36(1)(viia) : Bad debt-Provision for bad and doubtful debts-No deduction is allowable on mere provision on gross basis-Bad debts should be actually written off in books of account-Matter remanded.
S. 36(1)(viia) : Bad debt-Provision for bad and doubtful debts-No deduction is allowable on mere provision on gross basis-Bad debts should be actually written off in books of account-Matter remanded.
I got a flat in redeveloped society . The Development Agreement was signed in 2010 between society and developer . The possession was given in june 2019. How ever due to litigation i could not execute Permenant Alternate Accomodation Agreement (PAAA)when other owners could do it in 2014.At that time as per DA stamp duty and registration charges were paid by developer Now I approached my Builder to execute PAAA by paying stamp duty and registration charges .The builder refuse to pay Stamp duty and registration charges saying that his ac with society is closed and He will not pay anything. What stamp duty and registration charges i will have to pay to day on my PAAA execution. Recent Bombay High court order saying NO STAMP DUTY on PAAA if Delopment agreement is stamped and registered is available in my case ?
Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme, 2020
S.3: Amount payable by the declarant – Time and manner of payment -Failure to pay the amount of disputed tax before the last date- Declarations ought to be accepted and payment to be made with simple interest @9% within four weeks.[ S. 5 , Art , 226 ]
Income Declaration Scheme, 2016
S. 183: Payment of tax – Failure to make third installment – Non-compliance- Order of single judge is set aside- Directed the assessee to make a fresh representation before the Competent Authority. [ Art , 226 ]
Black Money ( Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets ) and Imposition of Tax Act , 2015 )
S.43: Penalty for failure to furnish in return of income, information or furnish inaccurate particulars about an asset ( including financial interest in any entity ) located outside India – Foreign insurance policy was not declared in the return- Bonafide mistake – Levy of the penalty of Rs 10 lakhs was deleted. [ S.10(3), Income -tax Act , 1961 , 139 ]
Expenditure Tax Act, 1987
S. 2(6): Hotel – Dual occupancy room in Hotels — Expenditure-Tax chargeable where room charges “Per Individual” Less than Rs. 1,200 — Exemption not allowable .[ S. 2(8),2(10) , 3 , 4(a) , Art 136 ]
Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme, 2020
S.4: Filing of declaration and particulars to be furnished — Delay in filing appeal – Delay of 958 days was condoned – Delay was condoned – Directed to accept the declaration filed by the assessee. [ S 2(1)(a) ITACT , S. 250, 260A ]
Black Money ( Undisclosed Foreign Income & Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act , 2015.
S. 10:Assessment – Notice issued based on information received from IT authorities – Order passed under IT Act based on same information was earlier set-aside by the Tribunal on the ground of non-application of mind – Notice issued under BMA was quashed. [ S. 132 153A , Art , 226 ]
S. 54 : Capital gains-Profit on sale of property used for residence-Property purchased in the name of married daughter-Exemption from capital gains tax is not available. [S. 45]
S. 50C : Capital gains-Full value of consideration-Stamp valuation-Option deposit-Option agreement for sale of twenty (20) flats in its residential project with its group entity-Addition on sale of those flats to third parties to sales value declared were unjustified. [S. 28(i)]