Category: GST Law

Archive for the ‘GST Law’ Category

N.M. Goel & Co v. Sales Tax Officer, Rajnandgoan (1989) 1 SCC 335/AIR 1989 SC 285/1988 (38) ELT 733 (SC)/(1989) 72 STC 368 (SC)

Madya Pradesh General Sales tax Act , 1939
S.2(n): Works Contract – Material supplied by the employer – price of the material so supplied and consumed by the contactor deducted from the prices of the material in the final bill of the contractor – Entry Tax payable on the entry of goods into the local area for sale, consumption or use – Supplies are “sales” within the meaning of the MP Gen. Sales Tax Act – Contractor liable to pay entry tax [7(1), M. P. Sthaniya Kshetra Me Mal Ke Pravesh Per Kar Adhiniyam,1976, S. 3(1) , 6(c)]

Kone Elevator India (P) Ltd. v. State of Tamil Nadu (2014) 7 SCC 1/(2014) 71VST9 (SC)/2014 (304) ELT 161 (SC)

Madras General Sales tax Act , 1939
S.2(i): Works contract -Lift installation- Construction- Building products – Manufacture, supply and installation of lifts- A contract for manufacture, supply and installation of lifts is a works contract [ S. 4, 5 ,6 ,7 , Constitution of India ,Art, 366(29A)(b) ,Finance Act , 1994 , S, 65(29) , S. 2 , Maharashtra Lifts Act , 1939, S .3(e), Sale of Goods Act 1930 , S.21 ]

State of Karnataka v. Durga Project Inc. (2018)4 SCC 633/(2018) 66 GST 476 (SC)

Karnataka Value Added Tax, 2003
S.4: Liability to tax and rates thereof – Works Contract-rate of tax-Karnataka VAT Act- Rate of tax applicable on the various goods involved in the execution of works contract as per specific entry in the rate schedules [ S. 3(1) , 4(1)( c ) ]

Maya Appliances (P) Ltd v. Addl CCT (2018) (2) SCC 756/AIR 2018 SC 810 (2018) 66 GST 210 (SC)/2018-TIOL-47-SC-VAT-LB

Karnataka Value Added Tax, 2003 S. 2 (36): Turnover means – Valuation – Deduction of trade discount from total turnover – discount was not relatable to the sales effected by the relevant tax invoices – All trade discounts are allowable as permissible deductions. [ S. S.2(34), 64(1); Karnataka Value Added Tax Rules, 2005, R.3(2) (c)]

Dy. CCT v. Hindustan Lever Ltd 2016 SCC Online SC 646

Karnataka Sales Tax Act, 1957
S. 8A: Power of State Government to notify exemption and reductions of tax – Maximum ( or Max ) Retail Price ( MRP) – MRP of a packaged product-Inclusive of all taxes-Cannot establish the collection of sales tax over the product [ Standard of Weights and Measures Act , 1976 , Rule 6 ]

Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. v. State of Karnataka (2020) 35 SCC 354/(2020) 78 GST 98/MANU/SC/1674/2019

Karnataka Sales Tax Act, 1957
S. 5C:Levy of tax on the transfer of the right to use any goods- Transfer of right to use – Charter Party Agreement [ Andra Pradesh General Sales tax Act 1957 , S 5E, Constitution of India , Art, 28, 246(4), 286, 297(3), 366(29A)(d) ]

UOI v. Mohit Mineral (P) Ltd (2019) 2 SCC 599/AIR 2018 SC 318/(2018) 69 GST 743 (SC)

Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act, 2017
S.11: Other provisions relating to Cess- GST Compensation Cess – Valid – Traceable to Articles 246A, 248 as well as 270 [Constitution of India Arts , 39, 245, 246(1) 246A, 248, 254, 269, 270, 271, 366(26A )

Mangalnath Developers v. UOI ; MANU/MH/1274/2020 ( Bom) (HC) www.itatonline .org

Customs Act ,1962

S. 129A :Appeal -Appellate Tribunal – Limitation – The period of
limitation of three months commences from the date on which the order sought to be appealed against is communicated and not from the date of decision of the Committee of Commissioners. [ S.128A ,129 ,General Clauses Act, 1897 S.3 (35) Rule 12 of the Customs Valuation Rules, 2007, Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 Art , 226 ]

Sunrise Associates v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi (2006) 5 SCC 603(SC)/AIR 2006 SC 1908/(2006) 145 STC 576 (SC)

. Delhi Sales Tax Act, 1975
S. 4: Rates of tax- Lottery tickets –Right to participate in lottery is actionable claim – No sale of goods with in the meaning of the sales tax Act – Whether ratio of H. Anraj is still valid so far as it splits the rights attached to a lottery ticket into right to participate and right to win-former held as goods and latter as actionable claim-whether is a composite right [Constitution of India, Art. 246(3), 366(12), 366(29A) Sale of Goods Act, 1930,
S. 4(1), Transfer of Property Act, 1882, S. 3, 130]

Commissioner, DVAT v. ABB Ltd (2016) 6 SCC 791/AIR 2016 SC 1901/(2016) 55 GST 293 (SC)

Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
S. 3: When is sale or purchase of goods said Movement of goods in the course of import or inter-state or commerce – Deemed sale – when can be held to be covered by Section 3(a) and Section 5(2) of the CST Act, 1956 [S. 3(a), 5(2), Constitution of India, Art. 286(2), Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004, S. 7, 74]