S. 244A : Refund-Interest on refunds-Prior to 1-6-2016-Self assessment tax-Tax deduction at source-Entitle to interest. [S.156, 254(1)]
S. 244A : Refund-Interest on refunds-Prior to 1-6-2016-Self assessment tax-Tax deduction at source-Entitle to interest. [S.156, 254(1)]
S. 234E : Fee-Default in furnishing the statements-Returns prior to 1-6-2015, no fee for period of default can be levied. [S. 200A]
S. 206AA : Requirement to furnish Permanent Account Number-Double taxation avoidance agreement-Rate of tax deductible will be 10 % instead 20%. [S. 90, 195]
S. 194I : Deduction at source-Rent-Collection of rent on behalf of Government and paid back to government-Tax deducted by Tenants-Entitle to credit. [S. 199]
S. 158BE : Block assessment-Time limit-merely passing the prohibitary order without actual seizure-Deemed seizure-Limitation period not extended-Order is held to be barred by limitation. [S. 132, 132(3)]
S. 158BBC : Anonymous donations-85% of such donation was applied for objects of the Trust-Has to prove the genuineness of donations-Matter remanded to prove genuineness of donations [S. 11, 13]
S. 153A : Assessment-Search-Unabated assessment-Addition cannot be made unless incriminating materials are found. [S. 69, 132]
S. 153A : Assessment-Search-Cash credits-Share capital-Share premium-Original assessment was completed-No incriminating materials was found-Addition is held to be not valid. [S. 68, 132]
S. 147 : Reassessment-Liabilities taken over by Government of India-No failure to disclose material facts-Reassessment is held to be not justified. [S. 4, 37(1), 43B, 148]
S. 145A : Method of accounting-Valuation-Interest cost in valuation of inventory-No provision to include interest in cost of inventory.