Category: Income-Tax Act

Archive for the ‘Income-Tax Act’ Category

Ishwarbhai Thakorbhai Patel v. ITO (2024)467 ITR 558 (Guj)(HC)

S. 148 : Reassessment-Notice-Notice served at wrong Village Address-The service of a valid notice is condition precedent for the validity of notice and the foundation for the initiation of reassessment proceedings-Notice and consequent reassessment proceedings set aside. [S. 142(1), 147, Art. 226]

Nazirpur Large Sized Multipurpose Co-Op. Society Ltd. v. UOI (2024)467 ITR 6/300 Taxman 164 (Cal)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-Assessment order-Notice of demand issued towards differential amount of tax payable inclusive of interest-Demand notice contrary to Assessment order and therefore, unsustainable and quashed [S.144B, 148, 156, Art. 226]

Nava Diganta Builders v. UOI (2024)467 ITR 454 / 166 414 (Cal)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-Faceless Assessment-Notice issued by Jurisdictional Assessing Officer-Department directed to file Affidavit-in-position-Stay of notice until disposal of writ petition or further order whichever is earlier.[S. 119, 144B,148,151A, Art. 226]

Jasjit Singh v. UOI (2024)467 ITR 52/ 340 CTR 1/ 240 DTR 337 / 300 Taxman 437 (P&H)(HC)

S. 147: Reassessment-Faceless Assessment-Notice-Circulars and instructions-Cannot override statutory provisions-Notice issued by Jurisdictional Assessing Officer without jurisdiction is set aside. [S. 119, 144B(7), 144B(8), 148, 151A, Art. 226]

Express Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. v. ITO (2024)467 ITR 137/ 162 565 (Mad)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-With in four years-Rejection of objections-No final determination of tax liability-Writ petition is dismissed.[S. 37(1), 148, Art. 226]

Dinesh Kumar Bansal v. UOI (2024)467 ITR 61 (P&H)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-Notice-Faceless Assessment-Notice issued by jurisdictional Assessing Officer-Contravention of statutory provisions prescribed for Faceless Assessment-Notice and consequential orders without jurisdiction and set aside. [S.119, 120, 144B(7), 144B(8) Art. 226]

PCIT v. Hari Steels and General Industries Ltd. (2024)467 ITR 248 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-Survey-Suppression of sales-Information of Investigation Wing of Sales-Tax Department-Failure to make independent Inquiry by Assessing Officer-Reassessment is invalid.[S.133A, 143(3), 148, 260A]

PCIT v. Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (2024)467 ITR 159 (Cal)(HC) Editorial : PCIT v. Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (2024)467 ITR 571/ 300 Taxman 87(SC)

S.147: Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-No failure to disclose material facts-Reappreciation of facts-Order of Tribunal quashing the reassessment order is affirmed.[S. 143(3), 148, 154, 260A]

ACIT v. Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd. (2024)467 ITR 171/ 300 Taxman 363 (SC) Editorial : Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd. v. ACIT (2023) 454 ITR 720 (Guj)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-Within four years-Audit objection-Question of law-Notice and order disposing the objection was quashed-SLP of Revenue is dismissed.[S. 148, Art. 136]

PCIT v. Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (2024)467 ITR 571 /300 Taxman 87(SC) Editorial : PCIT v. Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. (2024)467 ITR 159 (Cal)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-No failure to disclose material facts-Reappreciation of facts-Order of Tribunal quashing the reassessment order is affirmed by High Court-SLP of Revenue is dismissed.[S. 143(3), 148, 154, 260A, Art. 136]