S. 245C : Settlement Commission-Settlement of cases-Pending cases-Constitution validity of an amendment to Section 245A discontinuing operation Settlement Commission w.e.f. 01-02-2021 also challenged the validity of Circular / Order F.No. 299/22/2021-DIR(INV.III) dtd. 28-09-2021-Last date mentioned in circular should read as 31-3-2021-Orders rejecting applications on ground that no case pending as on 31-1-20021 set a side-Applications to be deemed pending for consideration by Interim Board-Abolition of Settlement Commission-Jurisdiction of court-Right to seek resolution through Settlement Commission conferred by statute-Within policy realm of State to take away remedy or benevolence given-Court cannot substitute its opinion to abolition of Settlement Commission. [S. 245A, 245D, 245M, Art. 226]