Category: Income-Tax Act

Archive for the ‘Income-Tax Act’ Category

Beekons Industries Ltd. v CIT (2023)456 ITR 431 (P&H)(HC)

S. 36(1)(iii) : Interest on borrowed capital-Tribunal deciding on the basis of Judgement of High Court-High Court judgement is overruled by Supreme Court-Directed to recompute the disallowance in line with Supreme Court judgement.[S. 260A]

Mahindra And Mahindra Ltd. v CIT (2023)456 ITR 723 /151 332 / 333 CTR 665(Bom)(HC)

S. 28(i) : Business loss-Bad debts-Commercial expediency-Expenditures incurred by subsidiary till its winding up-Amount disallowed as bad debt can be claimed as business loss. [S. 36(1)(vii), 36(2), 37(1)]

CIT v. President, Seth Malukchand Hirachand Digambar Jain Goth Bees Panthi Mandir Dharmik Avam Paramarthik Trust (2023)456 ITR 70 /154 537 (MP)(HC)

S. 12A : Registration-Trust or institution-Registration is granted based on facts-Order of Tribunal is affirmed. [S. 12AA, 13(1) (c), 260A]

CIT v.GS1 India (2023)456 ITR 30 /294 Taxman 426 (SC) Editorial : CIT (E) v.GS1 India (2023) 153 387 (Delhi)(HC) is set aside.

S. 11 : Property held for charitable purposes-Activities of Commercial nature-Exclusive rights relating to GSI coding in India-Receipts from trade and business significantly high-Not entitle to exemption. [S. 2(15), 12]

CIT v. Haryana Warehousing Corporation (2023)456 ITR 778 /295 Taxman 315 / 334 CTR 6 (SC) Editorial : CIT v. Haryana Warehousing Corporation (2011) 196 taxman 260 (P& H)(HC), affirmed.

S. 11 : Property held for charitable purposes-Warehousing agricultural produce and connected activities-Activities incidental to main objects-Entitle to exemption.[S.2(15) 12, 12AA]

Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority v. UOI (2023)456 ITR 204/154 287 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 10(46) : Body or Authority-Specified income-Industrial Development Authority constituted by Government for public benefit-Directions issued to concerned authority to pass speaking order. [Art. 226]

CIT(IT) v. Symantec Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (2023) 456 ITR 356 / 294 Taxman 340 (SC) Editorial : CIT (IT) v. Symantec Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd (2023) 153 26 (Delhi) (HC)

S. 9(1)(vii) : Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Fees for technical services-Royalty-Computer software-Maintenance and support services-Not payment of royalty for use of copyright in computer software-Not taxable in India-SLP of Revenue dismissed-DTAA-India-Singapore. [S. 9(1)(i), 9(1)(vi), 195, Art. 12]

Arrone Ceramic v. JCIT (2023) 203 ITD 123 (Rajkot) (Trib)

S.271C: Penalty- Failure to deduct at source- Purchased two immovable properties-Bonafide mistake – Furnished documents in support that the recipients /payee had shown the sale consideration in their respective returns of income and paid taxes- Penalty levied is deleted .[ S. [S.194IA , 201]

Santosh Jain v. ITO (2023) 203 ITD 102/108 ITR 636 /225 TTJ 388 (Raipur) (Trib)

S.271B: Penalty- Failure to get accounts audited-Books of account not maintained – Can be penalised under section 271A and not under section 271B. [S.44AA, 44AB ,271A]

DCIT v. Emaar Hills Township (P.) Ltd. (2023) 203 ITD 98 (Hyd.) (Trib)

S.201: Deduction at source- Failure to deduct or pay- Limitation- Order passed beyond period of seven years is time barred . [S.195, 200(1), 201(IA) ]