Category: Income-Tax Act

Archive for the ‘Income-Tax Act’ Category

Inox Wind Energy Ltd. v.Add. CIT (2023)454 ITR 162 (Guj)(HC)

S. 143(3) : Assessment-Amalgamation-Intimated to Income-Tax Authorities-Notice and order in name of company which had ceased to exist-Not valid. [S. 144B, Art. 226]

JCIT v. Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd. (2023)454 ITR 540 (SC) Editorial : JCIT v. Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd (Chhatisgarh )(HC), (ITA No. 88 of 2017 dt 28-11-2018)affirmed

S. 143(3) : Assessment-Bogus purchases-Income from undisclosed sources-Report of Sales Tax Department-Appeal dismissed by High Court-SLP of revenue is dismissed. [S. 69C, 145(3), 260A, Art. 136]

Dy. CIT(E) v. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (2023)454 ITR 582 / 293 Taxman 493 (SC) Editorial : Decision of High Court modified, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology v. UOI (Orissa )(HC) (W.P. No 898 of 2017 dt.6-3-2019)

S. 143(3) : Assessment-Notice-Jurisdiction-High Court setting aside notice-Question of limitation is not to be raised-The High Court of the Orissa high court is modified. [S. 124(3), 142(1) 143(2)]

Puneet Rastogi v. PCIT (IT) (2023)454 ITR 37 /148 362 (Delhi)(HC) Editorial : SLP dismissed, Puneet Rastogi v. PCIT (IT) (2023)454 ITR 39/ 292 Taxman 69 (SC)

S. 119 : Central Board of Direct Taxes-Return-Delay in filing of return-Refund-Condonation of delay-Non-Resident-Aware of process of filing return of income-No genuine hardship or reasonable case fir late filing of the return-No violation of principles of natural Justice-Order sustainable. [S. 119(2)b), 139, 237 Art. 226]

Puneet Rastogi v. PCIT (IT) (2023)454 ITR 39/ 292 Taxman 69 (SC) Editorial : Puneet Rastogi v. PCIT (IT) (2023) 454 ITR 37 /148 362 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 119 : Central Board of Direct Taxes-Return-Delay in filing-Refund-Condonation of delay-Ignorance of law was not an excuse-High Court holding that there was no genuine hardship or reasonable cause for late filing of return. [S. 119(2b), 237, Art. 136]

PCIT v. Landis GYR(2023) 454 ITR 462 (Cal)(HC)

S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Avoidance of tax-International transaction-Management support service-Deletion of addition by the Tribunal is affirmed. [S. 260A]

PCIT v. Annasaheb Patil Mathadi Kamgar Sahakari Pathpedi Ltd. (2023)454 ITR 117 / 293 Taxman 547 /332 CTR 486/ 225 DTR 209 (SC) Editorial : CIT v. Annasaheb Patil Mathadi Kamgar Sahakari Pathpedi Ltd (Bom)(HC) (ITA No. 933 of 2017 dt. 14-10-2019 ), affirmed.

S. 80P : Co-operative societies-Credit societies giving credit to own members-Eligible deduction. [S.80P(4), Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Art. 136]

PCIT v. Annasaheb Patil Mathadi Kamgar Sahakari Patpedhi Maryadit Ltd. (2023)454 ITR 528 (SC) Editorial: CIT v. Annasaheb Patil Mathadi Kamgar Sahakari Patpedhi Maryadit Ltd (Bom)(HC) (ITA No. 1574 of 2017 dt 9-1 2020 ), affirmed

S. 80P : Co-operative societies-Co-operative Bank-Entitled to deduction.[S.80P(2)(i), 80P(2)(d)]

Magnum International Trading Co. (P.) Ltd. v.CIT (2023)454 ITR 141/ 293 Taxman 305 / 332 CTR 206/ 224 DTR 385 (SC) Editorial: Magnum International Trading Co. (P.) Ltd. v.CIT (Delhi)(HC) (ITA Nos. 1141/1149 /1150/ 1560 of 2006 dt. 29-10-2019 ).Applying the substantial and amended provision of section 80HHC (3) was unsustainable.

S. 80HHC : Export business–Amendment in 1991 with Effect from 1-4-1992 is prospective-Sale of shares-Business income-to be included in total turnover-Interest earned from deposit of surplus funds in banks–Income from other sources”-to be excluded in computation of deduction. [S. 56, 80HHC(3)]

CIT v. KBD Sugars and Distilleries Ltd. (2023)454 ITR 800 (SC) Editorial : CIT v. KBD Sugars and Distilleries Ltd (2022) 20 ITR-OL-631 (Kran)(HC) is affirmed.

S. 72A : Carry forward and set off of accumulated loss and unabsorbed depreciation-Amalgamation-Demerger-Sale of windmills-SLP of Revenue is dismissed. [S. (2(19aa), 32, 72A(4)]