S. 245R : Advance rulings-Capital gains-Merger-Application was allowed to be withdrawn.
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Capital gains-Merger-Application was allowed to be withdrawn.
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Withholding tax on dividend payable to mon-resident shareholder-Application admitted-DTAA-India-Netherland. [S. 195, 245R(2), Art. 10]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Withdrawal of application-Pendency of appeal before Appellate Tribunal. [S. 245R(2)]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Notice u/s. 143(2)-Beneficial provisions of DTAA for determination of Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) rate on dividend to non-resident shareholder-Application is admitted-DTAA-India-Netherlands. [S. 90, 115-0, 143(2), 245N, 245Q, 245R(2)]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Deduction at source-Payment made to foreign company for acquisition of shares whether liable to deduct tax at source-Application admitted. [S. 9(1)(i), 195, 245R(2)]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Delay in disposing the application-Application for withdrawal of application is allowed-Dismissed as withdrawn. [S. 35AD, 245Q(1), 245R(2)]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Dividend receivable from Indian subsidiary-Beneficial provision of DTAA-DTAA-India-Slovenia-Columbia-Lithuania-Protocol-France. [S. 245R(2), Art. 10(2)(a)]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Notice u/s. 143(2)-Whether the consideration for offshore supply of 4DX equipment to PVR under Strategic Alliance Agreement is liable to tax in India-Application admitted-DTAA-India-Korea. [S. 9(1)(i), 143(2), 245R(2), Art. 5, 12]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Dividend to non-resident shareholders Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT)-DTAA-India-France. [Art. 11, 115-O, 245R(2), Art. 11]
S. 245R : Advance rulings-Salaries paid to seconded employees in India whether qualify as non-resident-Credit for deduction of tax at source-DTAA-India-Japan. [Art. 15(1), S. 192]