Following question of law is admitted “ Whether in the facts and circumstances of the case and in law , the Tribunal is justified in holding that the assessee has correctly deducted tax under section 194C on payments made to event managers , for events other than sport related activities ,as per CBDT’s notification no 188 of 2008 dated 21-08 -2008 , without appreciating that this notification has merely brought sport related event managers under section 194J where as other professional event managers are always covered under section 194J for TDS purpose ? “ AY. 2006-07 to 2010-11)
CIT v. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. (2018) 254 Taxman 370 (Bom.)(HC )/Editorial : SLP of revenue is dismissed due to low tax effect CIT v. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. ( 2020) 269 Taxman 569 (SC)
S. 194C : Deduction at source – Contractors -Event managers – Tax to be deducted as a Contract or as technical services is substantial question of law admitted by High Court [ S.194J , 260A ]