Dy. CIT v. India Olympic Association (2018) 171 ITD 674 / 66 ITR 82 /170 DTR 321/195 TTJ 859 (Delhi)(Trib.)

S. 11 : Property held for charitable purposes – -Sports association- – Merely because some sponsorship was accepted from a private company for Asian games and Youth Olympic games, exemption cannot be denied .[ S.2(15) ]

Dismissing the appeal of the revenue , the Tribunal held that ; there was no material which suggests that the assessee was conducting its affairs solely on commercial lines with the motive to earn profit. There is also no evidence that the assessee has deviated from its objects which it has been pursuing since past many decades. Thus, proviso to S. 2(15) of the Act is not applicable to the assessee. The assessee cannot lose its character of charitable purpose merely because some sponsorship was accepted from a private company in respect of Asian games and Youth Olympic games .(AY.2011-12)