Garg Acrylics Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2022)96 ITR 61 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib)

S. 153 : Assessment-Limitation-Threshold monetary limit of Rs. 5 crores not available to characterise transactions with associated enterprises as specified domestic transactions-Order is nullity and barred by limitation. [S. 92BA, 92CA(3)]

The Tribunal held that “specified domestic transactions” has been defined under section 92BA of the Act which states that the aggregate of such transactions entered into by the assessee must exceed a sum of Rs. 5 crores at the relevant time. In the instant case the threshold monetary limit of Rs. 5 crores were not available to the Assessing Officer to characterise the assessee’s transactions with its associated enterprises as specified domestic transactions to enable him to make a reference to the Transfer Pricing Officer. The order of the Transfer Pricing Officer under section 92CA (3) was thus non-est and a nullity in the eyes of law. Consequently, the extension of time under the erstwhile provisions of section 153 for passing the assessment order based on such non est order from the Transfer Pricing Officer was not available to the Assessing Officer. The assessment order passed beyond the ordinary time limit of December 31, 2016, available under section 153 of the Act, was barred by limitation. (AY. 2014-15)