Tribunal held that, registration cannot be denied on the ground that the return of income was filed in response to notice u/s 148 of the Act. Requirement of filing report of audit in prescribed form is merely procedural and therefore, directory in nature and not mandatory for the purpose of claiming exemption under S. 11 and 12 of the Act. (AY. 2012-13)
Genius Education Society v. ACIT(E) (2018) 172 ITD 640/( 2019) 176 DTR 73/ 198 TTJ 498 (Chd.)(Trib.)
S. 12A : Registration–Trust or institution-Registration cannot be denied on the ground that the return of income was filed in response to notice u/s 148. of the Act-Requirement of filing report of audit in prescribed form is merely procedural and, therefore, directory in nature and not mandatory for the purpose of claiming exemption under S. 11 and 12 of the Act. [ S.11, 148 ]