Held that deduction allowable on the gross total income without setting off the carried forward business loss and unabsorbed depreciation of non -eligible unit . Matter remanded .( ITA .Nos 1251 to 1254 , 1407, 1408 / Chny/ dt. 25 -5 -2022)( AY. 2003 -04 to 2006 -07 , 2007 -08 , 2008 -09 )
International Agricultural Pricessing ( P) Ltd v.ACIT ( 2022) The Chamber’s Journal -July – P. 125 ( Chennai ) ( Trib)
S. 10B: Export oriented undertakings – Deduction allowable on the gross total income without setting off the carried forward business loss and unabsorbed depreciation of non -eligible unit – Matter remanded [ S. 32(2), 72 ]