ITSC v. Agson Global (P.) Ltd. (2023) 291 Taxman 356 (SC) Editorial: Agson Global (P.) Ltd v. ITSC (2016) 380 ITR 342/ 237 Taxman 158 (Delhi)(HC), affirmed.

S. 245F : Settlement Commission-Powers-Special Audit-Settlement Commission does not have power to direct aa special audit under section 142(2A) of the Act. [S. 142(2A), 245C, Art. 136]

High Court  held that Settlement Commission does not have power to direct a special audit under section 142(2A) in course of settlement proceedings under Chapter XIX-A of Act. SLP against the  order was disposed of as, on account of abolition of Income-tax Settlement Commission nothing survived for adjudication in matter.