J. J. Development Pvt. Ltd. v. CIT (Cal)(HC), www.itatonline.org

S. 68:Cash credits- Bogus share capital-If the alleged share applicants do not appear before the AO pursuant to the S. 131 summons and the documentation is inadequate, it is a “completely bogus claim”. The assessee cannot argue that the AO should have made inquiries from the AO of the share applicants as to their credit-worthiness [ S.131 ]

Dismissing the appeal of the assessee the Court held that ; If the alleged share applicants do not appear before the AO pursuant to the S. 131 summons and the documentation is inadequate, it is a “completely bogus claim”. The assessee cannot argue that the AO should have made inquiries from the AO of the share applicants as to their credit-worthiness  .( ITAT No. 329 of 2016, dt. 27.06.2018)

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