New Saravana Stores Bramandamai v. Dy. CIT (2024)114 ITR 54 (SN)(Chennai)(Trib)

S. 153A: Assessment-Search-Suppression of sales-Assessing Officer to make estimation of gross profit rate on suppressed sales-Without evidence of suppression of sales, extrapolation of suppressed sales of part of month for those years impermissible-Addition can be made only for sales suppression detected during search applying gross profit rate of sales accounted in books of account.[S. 132]

Held that no addition could be made for completed assessment in the absence of any incriminating material. That the suppressed sales for assessment years 2017-18, 2018-19 and part of 2019-20 with respect to P’s unit were merely extrapolated sales based on three months’ unaccounted sales of assessment year 2019-20. There was no evidence of suppression of sales in assessment years 2017-18, 2018-19 and remaining months of 2019-20. It was trite law that no addition could be made merely on the basis of assumption, conjectures or surmises. Unless evidence of suppression of sales in relevant years was brought on record, the suppressed sales for only a part of the month could not be extrapolated for those years. Therefore, the assessee had rightly offered the additional income only in respect of sales suppression detected at the time of search by applying the gross profit rate of accounted sales per the books of account.(AY.2013-14 to 2019-20)

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