Allowing the appeal of the assessee the Tribunal held that Trial production was different from commercial production and benefit of exemption provision was allowable from date of commercial production. When the assessee company itself has not claimed exemption for AY 2000-01, incubatory period, cannot be considered as production period merely on the basis of token invoice issued for trial verification of its cost. Even otherwise, the letter issued by the assessee company dated 30.04.2000 to Assistant Director, STPI, Noida intimating date of commencement for production of sale in global market as 30.04.2000 has not been disputed by the Revenue rather entire assessment has been made on the basis of token invoice dated 31.03.2000 issued for trial verification by the assessee company. Followed CIT v. Nestor Pharmaceuticals Ltd (2010) 231 CTR 337 (Delhi) (HC) (AY. 2010-11)
North Shore Technologies (P) Ltd . v. ITO (2018) 161 DTR 233 62 ITR 294 / 192 TTJ 629 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 10A : Free trade zone – Trail production-Commercial production- Trial production was different from commercial production and benefit of exemption provision was allowable from date of commercial production- Exemption is available for the AY.2010-11. [S. 10B]