Oswal Computers and Amp Consultants Pvt. Ltd v. ITO (TDS) (2020) 79 ITR 426 (Indore) (Trib) Keshav Industries Pvt. Ltd v. ITO (TDS) (2020) 79 ITR 426 (Indore) (Trib) Padmavati Retail India Pvt. Ltd. v ITO (TDS) (2020) 79 ITR 426 (Indore) (Trib)

S.234E: Fee-Default in furnishing the statements- Deduction of tax at source —Amendment enabling levy of late fee for default in furnishing statement brought in with effect from 1-6-2015 — Prospective in nature — Levy of late fees while processing statement of tax deducted at source before amendment — Not sustainable.[ S.200A ]

Tribunal held that demand in respect of levy of fees under section 234E was brought into effect from June 1, 2015. The fee under section 234E was levied in the statements processed under section 200A before June 1, 2015. The Commissioner (Appeals) erred in confirming the levy of late fees under section 234E by the Assessing Officer.( AY.2013-14, 2014-15)