This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal-Condonation of delay-An assessee supported by large number of CAs & Advocates cannot seek condonation of delay on the ground that the officer handling the issue was transferred-A party cannot sleep over its rights and expect its appeal to be entertained. The fact that the issue on merits is covered in favour of the assessee makes no difference to the aspect of condonation of delay. [S. 234E]
Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. v. DCIT (2018) 173 ITD 384 (Cochin)(Trib.),
S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal -Delay of 2819 days in filing the appeal caused by the fault of CA/Counsel has to be condoned-the expression “sufficient cause” should be interpreted to advance substantial justice- If there is “sufficient cause”, the period of delay cannot be regarded as excessive or inordinate–Delay was condoned. [S. 254(1)]
Midas Polymer Compounds v. ACIT (Cochin)(Trib.),
S. 250 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-If a decision is challenged by the assessee both on the issue of jurisdiction as well as on merits, the appellate authority has to decide both issues. He cannot decline to decide one of the issues on the basis that the decision on the other issue renders it academic. This approach leads to multiplication of proceedings and leads to delay- CIT(A) is directed to decide both the issues. [S. 254(1), R.27]
ITO v. Mohanraj Trading & Exchange (Mum.)(Trib.),
S. 246A : Appeal – Commissioner (Appeals) –Strictures-The total callous, negligent and disrespectful behaviour shown by the Departmental authorities in this Court should not be tolerated at all. It is this kind of lack of judicial discipline which if it goes unpunished, will lead to more litigation and chaos and such public servants are actually a threat to the society. Commissioner Service tax (Appeals) should pay cost of Rs. 1 lakh from his personal funds.
XL Health Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. v. UOI (Karn.)(HC),
S. 194IA : Deduction at source-Transfer of certain immoveable property other than agricultural land- The exemption of Rs. 50 lakh in S. 194IA(2) is applicable w.r.t. the amount related to each transferee and not with reference to the amount as per sale deed- Each transferee is a separate income tax entity and the law has to be applied with reference to each transferee as an individual transferee / person-Each purchase consideration being Only Rs. 37, 50,000 , provision is not applicable. [S. 194IA(2), 201(1), 201(IA)]
Vinod Soni v. ITO ( 2019) 197 TTJ 352/ 174 ITD 598/ 174 DTR 377(Delhi)(Trib.), Kumar Soni v.ITO (2019) 197 TTJ 352/ 174 DTR 377 ( Delhi)(Trib) Babli Soni v. ITO (2019) 197 TTJ 352/ 174 DTR 377 ( Delhi)(Trib) Beena Soni v.ITO (2019) 197 TTJ 352/ 174 DTR 377 ( Delhi)(Trib)
S. 194C : Deduction at source–Contractors-The by-product allowed to be retained by the miller can notbe regarded as consideration ‘paid’ in kind by the procurement agency- Not liable to deduct tax at source. [S. 195]
ITO (TDS) v. The Distt. Manager Punjab State Warehousing Corporation ( 2018) 54 CCH 164/ 196 TTJ 815 / ( 2019) 176 DTR 129 ( Chd.)(Trib.),
S. 151 : Reassessment-Sanction for issue of notice-If the AO issues the notice for reopening the assessment before obtaining the sanction of the CIT, the reopening is void ab initio-The fact that the sanction was given just one day after the issue of notice makes no difference. [S. 147, 148]
ITO v. Ashok Jain (Surat)(Trib.),
S. 147 : Reassessment–Intimation-The AO cannot reopen on the basis of info received from DIT (Inv.) that a particular entity has entered into suspicious transactions without linking it to the assessee having indulged in activity which could give rise to reason to believe that income has escaped assessment- Such reopening amounts to a fishing inquiry- The AO has to apply his mind to the information received by him from the DDIT (Inv.) and cannot act on on borrowed satisfaction. [S. 143(1), 148]
PCIT v. Shodiman Investments Pvt. Ltd( 2018) 93 153/ 167 DTR 290/(2020) 422 ITR 337 . (Bom)(HC),
S. 147 : Reassessment–Audit-A report of the Revenue audit party is merely information and opinion- It is not new or fresh or tangible material-If the reassessment notice is solely based on an audit opinion, it means it is issued on change of opinion which is not permissible. [S. 148]
FIS Global Business Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. v. PCIT (Dehi)(HC),
S. 145 : Method of accounting-Accrual of income-Sale of prepaid mobile cards-Matching concept & principles of Revenue Recognition as per Accounting Standards (AS-9, AS-22)-Amount received on sale of prepaid cards to the extent of unutilized talk time did not accrue as income in the year of sale. [S. 4, 5, AS. 9, AS. 22]
CIT v. ShyamTelelink Ltd( 2019) 410 ITR 31/ 173 DTR 89./ 260 Taxman 402 / 306 CTR 307(Delhi)(HC), CIT v. Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd( 2019) 410 ITR 31/ 173 DTR 89 / 306 CTR 307(Delhi)(HC),