This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 153D: Assessment – Search and seizure – Approval – No requirement under S. 153D of the Act for prior approval for passing order pursuant to / complying with remand or revisional directions by CIT [S. 143(3) ,263 ]

Osho Forge Ltd .v. CIT (2018) 255 Taxman 375 / 303 CTR 832/ 168 DTR 361/( 2019) 410 ITR 198 (P&H)(HC)

S. 148 : Reassessment – Validity of service – Notice was sent on the address where assessee was not residing – Service made at the address which was referred on the envelope not of assessee – Presumption of service cannot be drawn –Reassessment is held to be bad in law .[ S.147,292BB ]

Shubhashri Panicker (Mrs) v. CIT (2018) 403 ITR 434/166 DTR 1 (Raj)(HC)

S. 143(1D) : Assessment – Processing of return – Matter pending for scrutiny before competent authority – No mandamus can be issued by Court at this stage for granting refund [ S.237 ]

Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank v PCIT (2018) 166 DTR 407 / 303 CTR 303 (Pat)(HC)

S. 139 : Return of income – Condonation of delay of 1232 days – When explanation offered was acceptable and genuine hardship established – Condonation application for delay is to be accepted [ S.119 ]

Dr. Sudha Krishnaswamy (Smt ) .v. CCIT (2018) 255 Taxman 46 /( 2019) 414 ITR 46(Karn)(HC)

S. 92C : Transfer pricing – Arms’ length price -company engaged in providing BPO services – Comparable company engaged in KPO and other IT services hence cannot be accepted as valid comparable

PCIT .v. BNY Mellon International Operations (India) (P.) Ltd (2018) 255 Taxman 397 (Bom)(HC)

S. 80IB : Industrial undertakings – No deduction is allowable if return of income is not filed within due date of the filing of the return. [ 80AC, 139(1), 139(4) ]

Suolificio Linea Italia (India) (P.) Ltd .v. JCIT (2018) 407 ITR 16/ 255 Taxman 477 (Cal)(HC)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure – Capital or revenue -Purchase of computer software for up-gradation of existing computer software – Revenue expenditure even though it provides enduring benefit- Expenses for employees welfare -foster safe working environment is revenue expenditure – The test of one-time payment or not is not the sole test to determine nature of expenditure.

PCIT .v. Holcim Services (South Asia) Ltd (2018) 255 Taxman 392 (Bom)(HC)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure – Sales commission paid to agent in Iraq in relation to sale of trucks and particular person to be treated as allowable business expenditure – Capital or revenue-Drawings and designing charges related to computer software – Cannot be treated as capital asset.

PCIT .v. TIL Ltd (2018) 255 Taxman 373 (Cal)(HC)

S. 32 : Depreciation – Tribunal’s observation that transaction lacks bonafides – No material to dislodge factual findings recorded by Tribunal – Matter remanded to AO by Tribunal justified .

Sterling Holiday Financial Services Ltd .v. ACIT (2018) 255 Taxman 184 (Mad)(HC).

S. 32 : Depreciation – Higher rate – Transportation- Motor lorries used for providing specialized equipments and trained manpower for mining and transportation of excavated minerals on hire is eligible for higher rate of depreciation

PCIT .v. Durga Construction Co. (2018) 255 Taxman 449 (Guj)(HC).