This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 54F : Capital gains-Investment in a residential house-Cost of improvement-Indexed cost of acquisition 1Cost of installation of lift and sundry expenses-Expenses to make house habitable-Allowable as deduction-Purchase of house in name of parents-Absence from India-Payment from assessee’s account 1House gifted to assessee by parents 1Exemption allowable [S. 45, 48]

Rajiv Ghai v.Asst. CIT (IT) (2024)109 ITR 439 (Delhi)(Trib)

S. 50C : Capital gains-Full value of consideration-Stamp valuation-Not aware of the stamp valuation-Matter remanded to Assessing Officer with direction to confront material relied upon and take decision after examining reply.[S. 45]

Dy. CIT v. Reliance Industries Ltd. (2024)109 ITR 180 (Mum)(Trib)

S.45: Capital gains-Non-Resident —Capital gains on sale of shares in Indian Company-Entitled to claim exemption – DTAA – India-Mauritius.[S. 112(1)(c) (iii), 147,R.115A, Art.13(4)]

CPI India Ltd. v. Asst. CIT (IT) (2024)109 ITR 340 (Delhi)(Trib)

S. 45: Capital gains 1Loss 1Short-term capital loss arising from cancellation of non-cumulative compulsory convertible preference shares –Disallowance of loss is proper.

Dy. CIT v. Reliance Industries Ltd. (2024)109 ITR 180 (Mum)(Trib)

S. 44C : Non-residents-Head office expenditure-Permanent establishment-Reimbursing head office towards subscription charges paid on its behalf —Not fees for technical services – DTAA-India-USA [S.9(1)(vii), Art. 12]

Joshi Technologies International Inc. v. Asst. CIT (IT) (2024)109 ITR 70 (Ahd)(Trib)

S.43B: Deductions on actual payment-Provision for leave encashment 1Claimed only of amounts actually paid during previous year 1Disallowance is deleted. [S. 145]

Tata Steel Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2024)109 ITR 18 (Mum) (Trib)

S. 43A : Rate of exchange-Foreign currency-Restatement of payables for capital assets-Matter remanded.

Joshi Technologies International Inc. v. Asst. CIT (IT) (2024)109 ITR 70 (Ahd)(Trib)

S. 42 :Business for prospecting-Mineral oil-Production Sharing Contracts with Government of India —Commissioner (Appeals) is justified in directing Assessing Officer to allow entire expenses claimed in C Block and K Block. [S. 37(1)]

Dy. CIT v. Reliance Industries Ltd. (2024)109 ITR 180 (Mum)(Trib)

S. 40A(3) :Expenses or payments not deductible-Cash payments exceeding prescribed limits-Purchase of sweets-Disallowance of 20 Per Cent. of payment is justified.[R.6D]

Joshi Technologies International Inc. v. Asst. CIT (IT) (2024)109 ITR 70 (Ahd)(Trib)

S. 40(a)(ii) : Amounts not deductible-Rates or tax-Payment to American Bank for listing shares in Luxembourg Exchange 1Fees for technical services – Provisions of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement is not considered —Matter remanded to the Asssessing Officer. [S.9((1)(vii)]

Indowind Energy Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2024)109 ITR 68 (SN)(Chennai)(Trib)