S. 206C : Collection at source-Trading-Alcoholic liquor-Seller–Buyer-Marketing of arrack-Auction or Tender-Arrack then sold in retail by excise contractors in allotted area-Excise contractors obtained only right to vend arrack on retail-Not arrack-Not bound to collect tax from them-No express provision regarding issuance of notice and affording hearing to seller before passing an order-Requirement of notice and hearing before order passed to be read into provision-Natural justice-when order entails adverse civil consequences or is prejudicial to person concerned principles of natural justice to be followed.[S. 206C(6), Karnataka Excise Act, 1965, S. 17, 71, Karnataka Excise (Arrack Vend Special Conditions Of Licences) Rules, 1967, R. 2, 4, 5, Karnataka Excise (Manufacturing and Bottling of Arrack) Rules, 1987, Rr. 3, 17.]
Excise Commissioner, Karnataka. v. Mysore Sales International Ltd(2024)466 ITR 205/ 300 Taxman 115/339 CTR 321 (SC) Editorial : Excise Commissioner, Karnataka. v. Mysore Sales International Ltd (2006) 286 ITR 136 (Karn)(HC), reversed.