This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 22 : Income from house property-Business income-Rental Income earned by assessee by renting out its warehouse building, who is not in business of letting out properties, cannot be assessed as income from business or profession, but has to be assessed as income from house property. [S. 22]
ACIT v. S N Damani Infra (P.) Ltd. (2022) 216 TTJ 252 (Chennai)(Trib.)
S. 12A : Registration-Trust or institution-CIT(E) cannot merely rely upon one selective aim and object to deny registration. [S. 11, 80G]
Artemis Education & Research Foundation v. CIT (2022) 216 TTJ 58 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 12AA : Procedure for registration-Trust or institution-Rejection of assessee’s application for registration under section 12AA by the CIT (E) on the ground that it sought withdrawal of the application in view of revisionary petition filed under section 264, when in fact it had merely requested to hold proceeding for grant of registration in abeyance till disposal of revisionary proceedings, disposal of application was to be set aside and matter was to be restored back. [S. 264]
High Court Bar Association v. CIT(E) (2022) 216 TTJ 27 / 210 DTR 297 (All.)(Trib.)
S. 12AA : Procedure for registration-Trust or institution-CIT(E) while granting registration has to satisfy himself about the objects of the trust and its activities, and cannot go beyond to verify the violations referred to under sections 11(1)(a) and 13(1)(c) of the Act. [S. 2(15), 11(1)(a), 13(1)(c)]
Environnmental & Social Research Organisation v. CIT(E) (2022) 216 TTJ 221 (Chennai)(Trib.)
S. 12AA : Procedure for registration-Trust or institution-Refusal of Registration for non compliance of notices-Non compliance due to shifting of office-Matter remanded with direction to give an opportunity and decide after considering response of the assessee. [S. 12A]
M P Council for Vocational Education & Training v. CIT(E) (2022) 216 TTJ 142 / 211 DTR 73 (Indore)(Trib.)
S. 12AA : Procedure for registration-Trust or institution-Benefit of Registration granted in subsequent year-The benefit of registration will be conferred even to earlier years assessment proceedings which are pending as on date of such registration. [S. 11]
Sansthan Shree Eknath Maharaj Vishwastha Mandal v. ITO(E) (2022) 195 ITD 46 / 216 TTJ 249 (SMC) (Pune)(Trib.)
S. 9(1)(vi) : Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Royalty-Double taxation relief-Fees for Technical Services-Engineering Services-Separate Contracts-No Make available cannot be invoked-Not taxable-Reimbursement-Not taxable-DTAA-India-USA. [S. 90, Art. 12]
Autoliv ASP Inc. v. Dy. CIT(IT) (2022) 216 TTJ 607/95 ITR 270 /194 ITD 253 / 214 DTR 25 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 9(1)(i) : Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Business connection-Supervisory Permanent Establishment in India-Merely providing access to the premises of joint venture Company for the purpose of providing agreed services by the assessee would not amount to the place being at the disposal of the assessee-DTAA-India-Japan. [Art. 5(1), 5(4)]
FCC Co. Ltd. v. ACIT(IT) (2022) 64 CCH 0209 / 216 TTJ 769 / 213 DTR 171 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 5 : Scope of total income-Accrual-Interest Income qua ICDs whose recovery is doubtful and legal proceedings have been initiated-Held, addition of Interest on ICDs cannot be sustained. [S. 4, 145]
Frick India Ltd. v. DCIT (2022) 216 TTJ 146 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 4 : Charge of income-tax-Business income-Sales tax subsidy-West Bengal Incentive Scheme, 1999-Capital Receipt-Not taxable. [S. 28(i), West Bengal Incentive Scheme, 1999]
Tata Chemicals Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2022) 95 ITR 134 / 216 TTJ 402 (Mum.)(Trib.)