PCIT v. HDFC Bank Ltd. (2019) 174 DTR 92 (Bom.)(HC)

S. 158BD : Block assessment – Undisclosed income of any other person – To hand over the seized material to the AO of the said person to proceed u/s. 158BC-No substantial question of law .. [S. 158BC, 260A]

Where in the course of search, material is found pertaining to any other person, then in terms of section 158BD, the right course of action is to hand over the seized material to the AO of the said person, who would then proceed to carry out the assessment as per section 158BC of the Act. Appeal of revenue  is dismissed . Question no (b) followed  CIT v. HDFC Bank Ltd ( 2014 )366 ITR 505 (Bom) (HC) . As regards depreciation on lease back  question is admitted  and will be heard along with  ITA No 927 of 2014 .  (AY. 1996-97 to 1998-99)