The AO made additions on account of unaccounted stock, unaccounted purchase, unexplained credits under S. 68 , estimation of gross profit on sale of gold bars and estimation of silver bars. The CIT (A) confirmed the addition made on account of unexplained credits under S. 68 and granted partial relief to the assessee on account of estimation of gross profit on sale of gold and silver bars. Both the assessee and the Department filed appeals before the Tribunal. The Tribunal held that the prevailing gold and silver rates were verifiable and available to every customer, that the assessee made most of the purchases from reputed dealers, that very few documents that pertained to the assessment year 2011-12 which suggested that the assessee had indulged in unrecorded trading were seized, that for the recorded purchases the assessee maintained a day-to-day stock register with quantities and purchase vouchers, that the payments were made through banking channels and that the enhancing of the turnover by 17.5 per cent. by the CIT (A ) for all the three assessment years was unjustified. On appeal by the revenue
dismissing the appeals, that the Tribunal as the last fact finding authority had given detailed findings in favour of the assessee after scrutinising the facts on record. The matter had been decided by the Tribunal judiciously. The CIT (A) also had decided the issue in favour of the assessee and there were concurrent findings of fact arrived at by both the appellate authorities. No question of law was involved.( AY. 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12)