Dismissing the appeal of the Revenue the Court held that where the assessee, engaged in business of civil construction, made certain purchases in course of its business, since assessee had discharged initial burden of proving genuineness of transactions by providing details of parties, and, further, payments for purchases were made through proper banking channels, no addition under section 69C was to be made on account of such purchases. Followed CIT v. Nikunj Eximp Enterprises (P.) Ltd (2013 ) 35 taxmann.com 394/ 216 taxman 171 ( Mag)/ (2015) 372 ITR 619(Bom.). Distinguished, Pr. CIT v. NRA Iron & Steel (P.) Ltd (2019 ) 103 taxmann.com 48/ 262 Taxman 74/ 412 ITR 161 (SC). (AY. 2010-11)
PCIT v. Sanjay Dhokad [2023] 456 ITR 77/ 293 Taxman 482 /150 taxmann.com 362 (Bom)(HC)
S. 69C : Unexplained expenditure – Bogus purchases – Business of civil construction – Payment through banking channels – Order of Tribunal deleting the addition was affirmed. [S. 260A]